Is the Night’s King’s Name Jon Snow? And Bran gave Arya a Valyrian Steel Dagger with Dragonglass ornamentation in Game of Thrones Season 7. Will she use it, and her knew dagger toss ninja move to stab the Night King in the heart in Game of Thrones Season 8?

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  1. I had a theory – it's more of a would like – about what the coolest way to kill the Night King (NK).

    I would love to see a double team effort here by Jon & Arya. These two share the closest bond between any two plutonic characters in the show, bar none.
    It would be cool to have Arya to use her ninja skills and plunge the catspaw dagger in the back of his knee (of the NK) – similar to the way Merry did in LOTR and then have Jon execute the killer blow using LongClaw.

    However it is also likely that the NK can't be killed by Valyrian steel and hence there is no chance that the above will happen.
    We just know so little about him but i suspect that he will not be killed.

  2. so if the Night King is the Last Hero(and maybe Bran, but probably not)
    is he looking to be healed, or is he back for revenge?

    because if he wants to be healed then why is he doing this way, killing hundreds of thousands of humans just to go south

  3. Another insightful and provocative experience.  Awesome to see you react and talk!  Question: Recall the prophecy Daenerys receives: "Three fires must you light, one for life and one for death and one to love. Three mounts must you ride, one to bed and one to dread and one to love. Three treasons will you know, once for blood and once for gold and once for love." So far the show has revealed the answers except treason for love.  Who do you think will betray her for love?  Some possibilities include Jon Snow or Tyrion Lannister.  What say you?

  4. My dad was like Ned. No excuses or explanations would matter, no matter how good they were. Jaime understood that about Ned and the greater culture in general. His story about the wildfire is best kept to himself.

  5. Awesome video and analysis, Kev. Dude I always find myself smiling after watching you a sec, you have such a positive and genuine spirit about you, and I don't know if I've ever said that to another man before, so I mean that… keep being you, Brother, and keep up the good fight! Melisandre was right about one thing, all we have in this world is light and dark, or love vs hate, etc…. Keep spreading the light! Lol

  6. Well done, enjoyed the reviews of past comments and questions. This past year you have covered so many topics, so many movies, and series! Memorable reveals, comments, both serious and hilarious! Not to mention of the addition of your costume, Assassin's Creed? Nah, the Huntsman! You are an original! Kev, have a Very Safe and Happy New Year! Thanks for all your hard work!

  7. I honestly think you're overlooking Cersei's role in the story. The book starts and will end with the Lannister's. She is the hero of the story. Her and Jame are fire & ice.

  8. Awesome Kev! 😄

    If Arya kills Bran I'm not sure if fans are gonna A) rejoice his death or B) mourn Arya's soul. Either way that would be so greek tragedy lol.

    How long exactly do we have until Season 8? 😅 I'm losing my freaking mind here! Well thank God that Westworld and Black Mirror are coming back soon to fill the giant Direwolf-shaped hole in my heart lol… Patiently awaiting your insights on the violent delights 😉

  9. Kev, do you think that the show will ever address the house with the red door and lemon tree before it is over? If so, do you think Bran will be the one to explain it through his visions, or do you think it will be revealed in the last episode, which I hope will be entitled "A Dream of Spring"?

  10. The show will not deal with the Black Stone or the Crypts fully, not the way they are in the books I think, It's just too dark even for this show. In my opinion, Assahi, Starfall, Battle Isle, Winterfell, Moat Cailin, and Old Wyck all have a part left to play in the books connected to the Great Other and other magical fantastical creatures that may be returning to the world. That will be left out of the show. Now beyond that I think there is a chance the White Walkers/Others are back because whatever the Stark Lords and Kings of Winter were doing to keep them at bay went up in smoke with Eddard and Brandon when they were killed by the Mad King. Ned was away in the Vale, and Benjen was just a child, so some crucial information might not have been passed on to them. What if the "The North Remembers" (or at least they used to) the blood sacrifices that needed to be made in the depths of the crypts to keep the cold winds away?

  11. Thanks for another great video, I appreciate your thoughtful analysis. Do you happen to have another channel where you discuss the Stormlight Archive? And I know exactly what’s going on with the crypts, but I’m still pulling the quotes into my outline.

  12. You mentioned the Night King might be named Jon Snow, fighting his brother Bran Stark at the 3:30's. If the Night King's name was Jon Snow, do you think that's why the Wilding said that Jon Snow was an evil name?

  13. Is “dovekin” one of those weird people that think they’re an animal caught in a human body? If so, doves can’t read, ask questions or comprehend human story telling…so I hate to break it to you “dovekin” you’re just a normal human caught in a human body like the rest of us dull, ordinary people.

  14. Watching you makes my neck hurt, you kinda favor leaning right. just a little, and in turn I tilt my head slightly left to make you look straight up and down so my neck starts getting sore. Why am I writing this…? Certainly not to complain, but merely to publicly declare how f’ing bizarre I am and admit I need help. Anyhow, that’s all.

  15. First, I want to say thank you this video was great. It really got me thinking. The part where you mention The Night King being a victim, do you think The Night King had magic already? Why would they gag him? Who would hear him anyway? If someone could hear him why do the ritual where they could be stopped. Gagging him be
    may suggest he was able to work magic with his voice.

    Do you think the Night king can see through the eyes of the dead instead of through the Wierwood net? Are the dead his ravens? Bran when he's inside a creature knows the essence of that creature or if something else is inside it. Could the Night King know the inverse? When he isn't in something near him and that's how he pinpoints those that are not his. Then he uses the eyes of his (the dead) to find what he senses. Bran's essence (astral projection) would obviously be strong and the Night King would sense it.

    One thing I noticed about the show is The Night King has never found Bran in the past he has only caught him in the present! Do you think the ability to go to the past belongs to the Wierwood net and not a power of The Night Kings?
    Last, do you think the Night king saw the meeting in the dragon pit through the boney wight? The wight really seemed to run at Cersei. Almost like he really hates royalty. Do you think the wight wanted to take out Cersei not because he knows her but what she represents?

  16. Why in the flashback when night king was created was there no snow. That flashback shows the same pointed mountain as Sandor see's beyond the wall. Even though it may have been a summer when he was created, that area beyond the wall is covered in snow pretty much all the time. Can the night king change the seasons??????

  17. About Shireen…clearly she was cured by a different treatment than Jorah. There was nothing saying she was subjected to having the grayscale sliced off and the underlying skin treated. (Can you imagine? Poor Shireen.) She was left with visible grayscale that was stopped from spreading. So the process is either different for adults and children or one of them was not cured…

  18. I wonder if GRRM was feeling… uninspired when he decided on a Night King and a Nights King ha. They could start a band called the Night Kings Sing 😊 Really though, I wonder if it'll be significant 🤔

  19. Don't trust the Maesters with Even Greyscale! They can't even read directions 😁 nah really. I don't because it's of magic properties they don't understand. Think of where it came from. In books or show it's still a place that is Not Westeros and they tend to discredit Anything they do not understand or foreign. Look at the treatment of Marwyn as an example of this and the Higher Mysteries. This is why we should listen to characters like Val etc. They have other insight we don't get. Even Mushroom. All lies have a grain of truth to them right? So something is important there if not totally accurate but the Maesters write Their POV. Ok got on a kick I need to back up the video😂

  20. I agree greyscale is a disease and Ned's honor was annoying the best thing he did with hjis honor was to keep Jon's parents as a secret. Your laughing about them killing Bran for no reason 😂😂. I don't know if I would laugh or cry.

  21. Recently when I was going through the part where Val and Snow were having conversation about the grey scale I thought that this could be the reason why Shireen ends up on the stake in the books. Either grey scale emerges amongst the wildlings or Shireen's grey scale reactivates.

  22. Hahahahaha, maybe Bran saw a vision of himself being sacrificed to kill the NK and this is why he's trying to convince people that it would be wasted on a cripple. XD

  23. Please do more on the crypts of Winterfell. I don't know if the show will but there has to be more to the crypts! Yes, they may all just be bones but magic is magic. Magic could preserve them(it's also very cold in the crypts, considering the castle is warm from the warm springs). Or magic could return them to their prime. Anything is possible.

  24. Why is no-one talking about the fact that the Night King 'turned them all'. If he's not the original, he didn't turn them all, right? Or were all the Wights and White Walkers killed at the Battle for the Dawn, except for him?

    Or maybe, just maybe, the Last Hero was indeed a hero, who knew the White Walkers could only be defeated with the help of the Children. He went there, and the only possible way to be victorious was to fight fire with fire, or rather, ice with ice. Maybe all of his friends were turned instead of being killed. That'd explain the thirteenth White Walkers in Season 4.
    I don't know

  25. I can see Bran sacrificing himself at Winterfell. Everyone is there, or will be there at the start of the season. Maybe when the fighters are cornered and there's only one way out, but they can't get there because it's being blocked by White Walkers, and Bran wargs into one of the White Walkers. It gives Jon and the others an opening to run, while the Dead are wasting time fighting each other, since they can't kill each other. Jon doesn't want to leave Bran behind, but someone (preferably Tormund or the Hound) say something along the lines of 'he's already gone' as Bran gets stabbed like Jojen.


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