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  1. My theory: Jon snow is gonna ride the big red dragon, Daenerys is gonna ride the other one into battle. I believe that the green dragon that died in the ice lake will be a little connected to Daenerys's telekinesis. Maybe that's how the Night King dies, from the dragon he resurrected kills him. Or maybe the last Hero which is Jon wields Lightbringer and kills the Night King. I also had a made-up thought that maybe to increase the power of the Lightbringer blade (Long Claw) is by reforging it with dragonglass and dragon fire. Been thinking about this for a long time now, what you all think about this?

    EDIT: I just finished watching this video, that is really interesting what you said at the end, if she somehow dies and maybe the red witch is near her maybe the lord of light tells her to put the dragonglass into her chest to save her and maybe Jon Snow wielding Lightbringer and Daenerys's new power will kill the Night King..

  2. in the days of yore. iron weapons were very common. better than bronze but still nothing modern. they broke and were brittle compared to steel weapons. to forge steal. carbon is needed. you add a carbon compound to the iron ore during the smelt. then hammer and hammer. my belief is that GRRM takes his inspiration for valerian steel to the Ulfberht swords of the vikings. with a twist of Damascus steel. check netflix. the secret of the viking sword from nova to see what i mean. instead of common things like charcoal the valerians used obsidian. wouldnt "frozen fire" be VERY high in carbon ! making a very dense high quality fantasy steel ? valerian steel explained.

  3. Well they brought Gendry back…who is a blacksmith. Sam took his House's valyrian sword, Heartsbane, with him…Sam read alot of books in the Citadel and is now together with Bran…I believe he will ask Bran how they forged the valyrian weapons back in the day…they have all the ingredients, dragon glass, dragon fire and a skilled blacksmith…just a theory.

  4. Both involve dragon fire- that's what makes them special- they are solid incarnation of dragon fire and therefore fire magic. The reason they can be used to kill whitewalkers is because dragon glass was used to create the first walker- ironically even though they are ice creatures they are created using fire magic and can therefore be stopped with fire magic.

  5. Excuse me man, i love your channel, but im so disapointed by videos like this : you come with a very interesting title, very interesting question, and absolutely nothing new in terms of answer and facts.. We all now what dragon glass is and what Valyrian steel is, what we need is real answers or interesting theories based on facts. We dont need questions without answers.

  6. Hold on…. If dragonglass was known as 'frozen fire', then perhaps the 'mountain' of it under Dragonstone indicates that Dragonstone was formed by some sort of cataclysmic event, maybe the same that caused the Doom of Valyria, and the name Dragonstone could then mean that the Doom was caused by a dragon (or many) being frozen in some sort of battle or event at Dragonstone's location, and then the remains of them formed the island. Obviously this theory is very shaky, as if the island existed before the Doom, then it falls apart. Still, the question of how a mountain of dragonglass, apparently known as 'frozen fire' by those that likely knew it the best, the Valyrians (as it's probably part of the recipe for Valyrian steel), came to be under Dragonstone could still have a very important and revealing answer.

  7. One question: Has Jon Snow forgotten that Londclaw, a valerian blade killed a white walker? Is he so enthusiastic about the idea of using dragonglass to kill white walker, that he completely forgot that valerian steel is as useful against them!!

  8. Wait … I just realize something
    Melissandre in the books was always trying to convince Stannis that in Dragonstone was a kind of petrified dragon wich she wanted to awake … and ppl always took into count the possible existence of an ice dragon
    So …. if there's an entire cave in Dragonstone covered by dragonglass and dragonglass is technically frozen dragon fire, and it's only dragonglass in that spot of the entire island ……………
    Do you see where this goes?

  9. hey man, just wondering whether sansa or anyone from the northern houses know that jon was resurrected from the dead? or if they even believe that?

    his whole resurrection can serve as some sort of proof that the dead CAN rise again.

  10. Ok, weird thought all of a sudden. House Targaryan was trying to leave a key hint to future generations with their house words, "Fire and Blood" You need both to hatch the eggs of a dragon turned to stone and might ALSO need both to make valyrian steel. The process might involve some form of magic and the Valyrians had massive armies of slaves, so blood would not be a problem here. Also the sword that seemed to have a fire within, the blade wielded by azhor ahai, required the blood of a woman to quench the fire of the blade and temper it, maybe a crude version of the process used to make valyrian steel.

  11. Hey Harpy, first time commenter, long time listener. I love your videos and was hoping you could make a video off of an idea I had. Could Qyburn be the sorcerer that castrated Varys?

    We saw the sorcerer briefly in a box the Varys painstakingly opened while talking to Tyrion about his life. How he travelled with actors, was sold to the sorcerer, castrated and hit rock bottom. He vowed to live and climbed from the gutters in Essos to the small council in Westeros. Could Varys have taken this sorcerer and shaped him into Qyburn? Think about it, Qyburn was the only one that survived the Mountain and his men at Harrenhal. How or why did that happen? Was it possible that he wasn't actually there? That he was planted before Rob Stark arrived. Perhaps the plan was to get into the Stark camp and Qyburn stayed at Harrenhal to earn Rose Bolton's trust. He proved himself as a maester then treated Jamie at Roose's request. He would have also had access to the ravens and could have been in contact with Varys the whole time he was at Harrenhal. At Varys' suggestion, he chose to travel to Kingslanding with Jamie to look after him. Jamie vouched for Qyburn with Cersei and she preferred to Pycelle. Too good to be true? Why is he so devoted to Cersei? He is now Cersei's Master of Whispers, Maester and Hand. He has risen from the ashes like Varys and climbed the most unlikely ladder to stand next to the person on top of the Iron Throne, for now.

    I would love for you look into this further. Thanks for doing what you do.

  12. if the children of the forest were to able to use dragonglass right before the targeryans arrive in westeros, and they later on the children decided to hide some inside the cave at dragonstone, did the children knew that through the targeryans they had a chance against the white walkers?

  13. @thelastharpy
    if a weirwood tree can engulf Brynden Rivers, what could have engulfed a greensee'er like Howland Reed? The Godswood tree??? That sounds like a fairly good reason why he's not seen walking about Westeros….. just a thought (0.o)

  14. I think this channel has become shite! It used to be ok then you went to this rushed short format, did you see the awful review of the last episode? Just do one if you can't handle it, quality over quantity.

  15. Okay so what I am about to write may sound crazy but hear me out, me and several friends of mine think that Jon Snow will ride an Ice Dragon by the end of the show. We keep hearing about how the night king has a secret ice dragon and how he intends to use it in the upcoming war but what if he hasn't got one yet so this is our theory. We all know by the end Jon Snow will bond with one of Daenaerys dragons and ride it as part of the prophecy 'Azor Ahai'. So if we cast our minds back to an episode where jon and crew are in the north they find a bunch of Dragonglass and a horn(Dragonbinder??) because we believe there is more than 1 DB horn kicking about, so lets fast forward to the present day and so we looked at the S7 EP5 preview and it clearly shows Jon Snow having a face to face encounter with Drogon for the first time so either JS will bond with Drogon or one of the other Dragons. So now its time for the big battle and Jon Snow is riding his dragon into battle and after a few hours of fighting his dragon finally dies and is resurrected by the Night King so the Night King has his ice dragon but not for long as JS will use a Dragonbinder to take back control of his recently deceased Dragon, now you maybe wondering wtf have I just read but if you open your mind its actually makes sense, it also makes sense as in A Song of Ice and Fire anything can be considered a song like a birds chirp, a roar of a flame and finally the gentle crackling of ice. Daenaerys With her Fire, Jon Snow with his Ice and that really is a song of Ice and Fire. Please let me know what you think of our theory I'll be looking forward to peoples replys

  16. I always thought that Valyrian steel was just your regular old iron/steel smelted together with Dragonglass. It's only because of this clip that I know they're seperate things… (or not)


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