If you have ever wondered how Valyrian steel is made then you must check this this awesome Game of Thrones theory.

In this video I explore the science behind how Valyrian steel is made, and the missing secret ingredient.



  1. Steel, dragon flame and dragon glass. My guess before I watch.

    After. It's a good point that it can be reforged without dragon flame but I think the key word here is reforged. I am still convinced that dragon flame is used. Possibly to melt the dragon glass into the steel.

    Does magic become science when you know how it works? How about even if you don't really know the exact process but still get consistent and reliable results? Does it then become a science rather than magic?

  2. first about damascus steel is we figured out how to make it again for a bit now. second the steel we can make now is actualy better by a good amount. as to the secret of valyrian steel my guess that like most fantasy novels its dragonfire. my only other logical guess would be enchantment on the iron or finished product. given the fact that dragons lived in valyria i think dronsfire is a good bet

  3. The rippled look is a real occurrences in a forging process which is simply using a stain to highlight the folds in the metal created in the forging process. While we never told what Dragon Glass actually is, Dragon Reach is an island formed from volcanic action so it might be safe to say it's silica. While silica and steel can form a bond, It's nothing that can make a comparable battle worthy sword. Then again it's all made up so who knows.

  4. To reforge Neds sword they didn't need to know how to make Valyrian steel. The Valyrian Steel had already been made. Whatever secret ingredient/s are needed to make it, they have already been added.

  5. I think your close but I believe it would take dragon fire to melt the dragon glass and alloy it with the steel. Also once alloyed it has properties of both the obsidian and steel, I believe the smiths use their ancient magic to hold the alloy together so they can reforge it and it doesn't delaminate, hence they cannot make more but can reuse what they already have.

    The runes would be caved into their hammers and tools.

  6. Im no professional but im pretty sure that "dragon glass" in got works exactly like real obsidian. Witch when re melted is just multan rock. Obsidian is made because of pressure and heat caused by lava. Its not its own metal, it cant be melted down and turned into its own weapons. You have to break obsidian to make it sharp and turn it into a weapon.

  7. the smiting in the show doesnt make sense. the valyrian blades are forged using hammer and folding methods with a quench. it has waves and patters because it is hammered and folded. you cant mix obsidian with metal. its definitely not fucking casted metal like tywin does. forging vs casting makes the sword much more superior.

  8. One thing that really bothered me was when they melted down Ned Stark's sword and re-cast it into other swords, which had damascus patterns on them, even though that pattern comes from the repeated folding of the steel, a cast blade wouldn't have those patterns.

  9. So bad :D:DD:D
    What has this to do with science? You cant just mix obsidian into steel and it gets lighter and sturdier while still being flexible.
    Pls tell me where the"science"-aspect of this vide is!
    And it would also a pretty poor story…
    Btw, this was pretty bad.

  10. That sounds definitly logical, dragon glass, granting the ability to kill walker.

    The next question is … Why Dragon Glass has that magical power ? (as it seems to be volcanic obsidian """"naturally made"""")

  11. Actually….the original process used to create Damascus steel was never discovered. Modern blacksmiths figured out how to make steel that appears to be identical, but we don't know the original methods of production. Also, Damascus steel was known for having amazing strength and sharpness, with legends saying if a hair fell on the blade, the hair would be cut. The strength comes from the production method which resulted in carbon nano-tubes within the steel. Xrays of recovered artifacts have confirmed this. Carbon nanotubes are one of the strongest structures in existence. Damascus steel is the first known man-made carbon nanotubes.

  12. Good theory, the ripples in the steel come from folding high carbon and low carbon steel. Then upsetting the pattern and grinding away the upset portion. But the real important part is etching it in acid. Without the last part the dark and light colors would not stand out. I wish I could have a conversation with George.


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