Theories and speculation are the lifeblood of the Game of Thrones fan community. But it’s not a phenomenon restricted to fans, as the stars can also get in on the fun.

Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark) isn’t an all-knowing seer, but he plays one on TV, so theorizing about the deeper mysteries of the show is right up his alley. Wright revealed an interesting one to TIME:

I like the idea that it’s actually a full circle and Bran becomes the Three-Eyed Raven that was in his dreams when he was younger. I like the idea that it’s a deterministic, destiny driven thing where the old wise man went back in time as the Three-Eyed Raven to tell the young Bran to go north to the cave and it’s a paradox.

Well, now I’m just depressed. Wright’s theory would mean that Bran sent himself to his own death at the hands of the Night King. Can’t the Starks have anything nice? Although the old Three-Eyed Raven’s final words could lend some support to the theory. “The time has come…for you to become me.”  We hope he meant figuratively, though.

Either way, Wright remains a huge fan of…well, fan theories. Discussing the show with fans is one of the highlights of his stardom.

My favorite fan interactions are always when someone has something to say about the show or some kind of theory. Because I’m a big fan of the show as well. I think I speak for the whole cast when I say that we all love this television series as much as everyone else does. So when someone comes up to me and gives me a theory or asks me my opinion on something, I love being able to talk about that.

We admire (and share) Wright’s enthusiasm for the show. Discussing theories with fans might be a paradox of its own, though. How do you discuss the show without revealing all your inside knowledge? Seeing as Wright has surely read the ending by now, can we take it to mean that this is not how the show ends? Not that we would complain if Wright let something slip.

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