The horror thriller “IT”, directed by Andrés Muschietti (“Mama”), is based on the hugely popular Stephen King novel of the same name, which has been terrifying readers for decades. When children begin to disappear in the town of Derry, Maine, a group of young kids is faced with their biggest fears when they square off against an evil clown named Pennywise, whose history of murder and violence dates back for centuries.
hey guys we have been the same thing with a little while longer than a week , so if I could get to see the difference in price of one . it will take a moment of my own business and the chipmunks , I will have the option to purchase a new one . I have a propol one to the way they are not the intended to
At 1:42:25 it has the 2 cutest people in one picture
Me to 10/10 so much good
His dad is being a stupidly menie
What does the year mean this did not come out in 2018 only the dvd it came out on YouTube dec 19 2017
Bill, if you come with me, you'll float too.
Great movie
Cant rent on xbox 1 sucks.
Greatest movie of all like if you agree
Greatest movie I've ever seen😈😈
Legend has it Byers still lives to this day
Jimena 😘
Actually, this was the first R rated movie I ever saw in a theater.
"We all float down here"
Sexy Beverly
If I buy, can I watch now? ;3;
10/10 its good watch it guys
i like it
Is this like a prank is it your friend is she made up I think I'll kill it if I were you well my name is Ken'zel Lorenzo Drayton what's your name is it real