Learn when Pennywise returns.

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  1. In the book, all the adults forget everything, except Mike because he stays in Derry. So the flashbacks would come into play so they actually remember what happened 27 years before.

  2. why does everyone hate on remakes fair they aren't always good but I think seeing other people's visions on stories. I mean look at IT amazing. Chris Nolan Batman movies legendary, Flash TV show epic I enjoyed the I spit on your grave remake and last house on the left. Just saying remakes aren't the bane of life give em a chance.

  3. I think Part 2 will start of with what happened to Henry Bowers and kick it of with his story and connection to Pennywise. We all know, he will be in part two, but no one know what actually happened toi him after he fell into the sewer tunnel.

    And if Part two will be darker than part one, then we need to know what happened him and to Pennywise.

  4. Ps in the book the endings are switching almost from page to page (at the end of both stories young and adault) so it's not like two stories one after another but like the same stories and endings parallel with small differences (both together are the books "one/single ending"

  5. They forgot all about IT as adults but one (mike) is waiting in Derry just to call the other six after a series of child muder start again. They all (but Stan cause he kills himself cause he's a pussybitchcryinggirlforwankers) come back to Derry and while they listen to what mikes remembers (he wrote all the stuff in a diary) they get their flashbacks

  6. Not knocking the movie because I'm sure it's a great film but does it need a sequel? Is there something in the book that can give us material for a sequel? Is Stephen King okay with there being a sequel if he didn't write anything more about Pennywise that could be used for a sequel?

  7. okay sewer sex is being mentioned way too much, it was an 800 page novel with a few fucked up pages that didnt have to be written, no mentions about victor criss or belch dying like they did in the books, or the difference in patrick hockstetters death or the fact another child whos murder was an entire chapter in eddie corchran, a lot of this shit could be used as flashbacks (you saw belch's car, did henry kill him etc),, but no, sewer sex and schoolboy giggles aplenty. read the book and either say something funny or stop trying to be.

  8. According to the book, Mike stays in Derry, the rest leave for various reasons. Pennywise resurfaces as a result of a hate crime. Mike calls the others and most of them return to Derry.

  9. Hold on a dang minute there Abbot and Costello…. The martian had disco music in it because of Watney being stuck there with the commander's music library of all disco. sheesh…

  10. I'm suspecting that they're going to plug a few more Pennywise related incidents from the novel into the flashback sequences that they couldn't fit in the original film.

  11. I have not seen this version. And i'm not going to. But! Can someone just fill me in on something. In the made for tv movie the whole point is that they return to the town as adults to face the evil that haunted them as children. Then from that they all learn more about themselves Yada Yada Yada Haven't we all grown. and we see how fucked up things that happen to us as kids, affect who we become when we grow older. Carving a heart into tree bark and that never being removed over time metaphor ETC.. Does this film version not deal with them being adults whatsoever? What is the artistic message behind the film without those crucial plot elements?


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