House of the Dragon focuses on The Dance of the Dragons, a story that tells of the Targaryen Civil War between the Blacks and Greens. The war was made up of the various battles that occurred in Westeros over a number of years. Matt Smith‘s Daemon Targaryen and Ewan Mitchell‘s Aemond Targaryen, who will be two of the main characters in Season 2, are the two most well-known fighters from the two sides. Smith recently teased a face-off between the two.

Daemon will be much “weaker” in House of the Dragon Season 2

Daemon has always been known to be an agent of chaos, infamous for being stern, unpredictable, and dangerous. However, Season 2 will mellow him down. Smith told Variety in a recent interview:

“We definitely meet Daemon at a point of crisis in this situation, and in many ways, it’s a different version of him. It’s one that’s much weaker.”

Daemon is currently trying to create an army in the old castle Harrenhal while stoking Rhaenyra’s fears that, distant from home, he’s playing a double game to shore up his own position.

Are Aemond and Daemon to share the screen in Season 2?

Aemond and Daemon will be the two poles of power in House of the Dragon Season 2. Though they have one big confrontation scheduled in the upcoming seasons, Smith recently teased them coming face-to-face in Season 2. He said, “I think I’ve got some great stuff coming up with Ewan, honestly, who plays Aemond.”

He also added that he was excited to work with the new actors in Season 2, and couldn’t wait to get his hands dirty on the battlefield.

Read Next: Everything you need to know about Daemon Targaryen’s Assault on Harrenhal


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