The Final Season of Game of Thrones is approaching fast – well, not that fast! Still, we know that it will be epic and will have an unexpected ending. It will not please everyone – we know it, all thanks to Kit Harington who plays Jon Snow on the show. But, recently enough Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) and Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm) talked to Elle where they discussed a similar ending for Game of Thrones. Read on.

The two of Daenerys Targaryen’s trustees want to see her on the Iron Throne. Talking about the same Nathalie said, “Daenerys. Team Daenerys all the way.”

“Dany…Dany and Emilia. We’re just rooting for Emilia,” said Jacob agreeing with Nathalie upon the same.

Jacob Anderson and Nathalie Emmanuel tease a heartbreaking ending of Game Of Thrones

Of course, we do understand that the Dragon Queen has gained a number of supporters and alliances since the third season. And apart from Jorah Mormont, Missandei and Grey Worm are her most loyal supporters – who keep a true faith in her. Talking about the ending – which nobody can predict accurately, Jacob said:

“I was really surprised by the ending…I really like it, but I was really surprised. I didn’t expect it. I didn’t see it coming.”

Well, it’s obvious perhaps. We have known of many shocks that Game of Thrones has given us over the seasons – Ned Stark’s death, the Red Wedding, and many more. But according to Nathalie, whatever it would be the viewers will definitely love it. She said:

“I think they tell the story so, so well, that you can’t help but love it no matter who you were rooting for in the end…Game of Thronesis known for shocking, it’s known for surprising, it’s known for breaking your heart into a million pieces, and then building it up again—putting you back together, sort of. So you’re used to that at this point, and I think that’s also true for season eight.”

Ned Stark’s death was a huge shocking moment for all the fans – especially for those who believed that he was the true hero of the series. Obviously, we couldn’t expect a series whose pilot episode ended with a ten-year-old being pushed out a window, to have a Disney-like ending?

Talking about Ned Stark’s death scene, Jacob said: “I was like, ‘What? What do you mean? I just spent ten hours falling in love with this guy, and then he’s gone.”

Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) won an Emmy for the third time and both Jacob and Nathalie were excited about his big moment and were up for a huge celebration. Jacob ended by saying:

“I feel like we see each other at things like this, and it’s really nice to get to hang out and have a dance together or something…It’ll be all of the Game of Thrones people—it won’t be hard to find us. We’re really loud and British.”

So, what were your thoughts on Nathalie and Jacob’s thoughts on the ending of Game of Thrones? Tell us in the comments.



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