JAIME = AZOR AHAI HERO THEORY EXPLAINED!! Game Of Thrones Season 7 has just ended but who is going to be the hero and the prince that was promised? This Azor Ahai theory suggests that Jaime Lannister is the true hero of Game Of Thrones!

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  1. Possible. I remember when Joffrey laught about him on the book of all the King's guard when he saw that at 40 years Old, his page was empty. At that moment, i was sure that Jaime will make something glorious before the end, but i didn't know what.
    In fact, because Jj Martins always said that his héro died before the show, i thought that the prince who was promised was Reagar, and Lightbringer wasn't à sword, but a boy. If I thought that, it is because of the birthday of " the prince who was promised", on the smoke and salt ( and Reagar was born during the Summerhall ' fire). The salut was the tears of the people, and the smoke is, of course, the fire). And Reagar was the only prince we know, ( with Daenarys, and Jon).
    But Jon would not ne the prince who was promised. Jon is Lightbringer.
    But the theory with Jaime is really interesting. Why not?

  2. Man, I keep telling people that Jamie is the prince that was promised but everyone says that I'm way off and laugh me off >:c but I can feel it! If I was the writer I would make it so.

  3. Definitely my favourite theory as well. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if he dies in then end though.i imagine him sacrificing his life in a way that will ensure the victory.
    Think about it, he has shown several times he's willing to do so. First at the battle of the whispering woods, when he realise that the battle is lost, he doesn't attempt to flee, but instead charges at Robb trying to take him with him. And again in the battle where Daenerys used her dragons, he decides to charge at her, in an attempt to end the war.

    Another foreshadowing is the books with the deeds of the various knights, where his pages are almost blank – and he notes that there is still time. Joffrey remarks that a forty year old knight with only one hand doesn't have a chance.
    He is currently known as the kingslayer of Aerys, but will be remembered for defeating another king: the Night King.

  4. I like this however I heard that GRR Martin told D&D that Jon and Danerys were the two to focus on and to get them to the end (season 8). I still think its going to be one or both of them. Yeah kind of dull (especially because I'm tired of the Danerys god-like/savior story), but it's Martin's story.

    Also regarding Jaime's hand and that scene at Craster's when Jojen's hand was on fire – Meera asked Jojen "how will we know the end?" and then his hand lit up. Maybe Jaime sacrifices himself for Bran because Bran is the key to ending the war with the NK and the army of the dead. Jojen always said that nothing mattered but Bran. Could Bran somehow be Lightbringer? Ive heard that theory before but I don't remember where. Btw – I don't think hes the damn NK!! I personally don't like that theory. Time travel and GOT – ugh!!

  5. Hahahahaha the meme at the end! 👍🏻

    I think that the prophecy will never be truly revealed. But I also think it'll be completely down to interpretation in the end. Just like there's a Harry Potter theory that Harry wasn't the chosen one and it was Neville Longbottom. So that casual watchers will think John is the prince who was promised, but fans will know it's Jamie. Good theory though yung boi


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