The Freys and the Lannisters send there regards



  1. Voldermort steps in-
    Voldermort: Flich? What’re you doing in a position of power!
    Walder: Wrong movie.
    Voldermort: come back to hogwarts and I’ll spare your life.
    Walder: I’m not doing it for a has been.
    Voldermort: What?
    Walder: I an old man with no powers, managed to kill my obnoxious young man enemy in a single night; while you with multiple lives and the most powerful magic hasn’t done for 17 years and 8 movies since that boy enemy was a baby.
    Voldermort runs in tears.
    Jaime: Who was that?

  2. Please, please D&D 🙏 ! As an Edmure Tully fan I really need to see him ask forgiveness to his dead uncle and forgive the Blackfish for treating him so badly! They have to make peace, they're a good family after all!!
    PS: you certainly have a good taste in intro and end credit songs for your videos, huh Ice & Fire Reviews?! 😉

  3. How dare that bitch Arya eye up a guy who pushed her brother out window I will have head on spike once I get back to winterfell I’m busy atm fucking Daenerys on boat

  4. I wonder if the serving girl at t=50 sec is dead, since this is the Face Arya used to kill Lord Frey. If Arya has to kill the faces she uses, that means she killed an innocent serving girl to get her revenge.


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