An opinion piece about one of the most intriguing and complex characters in Game of thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.

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  1. Title should read; Ser Arthur "Dayne: Honor Personified." Tyrion used wildfire and burned thousands in order to defend a horrible, bastard, a cowardly, tyrant, Joffrey on the throne. A throne in which he had no right to occupy. Jaime fought to keep his bastard son born of incest on an unearned throne.

  2. Hahah my god, I love Jamie but this is an unbelievable stretch. How about protect his family by realizing that having an incestuous affair with the Queen is (gross) putting the realm in danger and is the exact type thing the Kingsguard oath is trying to prevent when they don't let them take wives or father children. He's a multiple oathbreaker who can stop the relationship with Cersei whenever he wants to.

    Not taking your dick out of your pants is a lot easier and more honorable than pushing a 10 year old out of a window, and is in no way shape or form comparable to Ned simply failing at politics. You're right, it's not Jamie, Cersei, or Joffrey's fault for the downfall of House Stark, it's Ned's. FOH.

    You're leaving out Jamie slaughtering Ned's household guard and stabbing Jory through the eye.

    People I've find often draw the wrong conclusion from how Thrones deals with morality. Things are certainly more morally grey and characters aren't paragons of good or evil, but good and evil still very much exist. Even if you can understand why someone did something doesn't mean you shouldn't still condemn them for it.

    And I promise I do like Jamie, but I feel he doesn't deserve the complete pardon he is getting from most fandom, and to say he is the MOST honorable character is much too hyperbolic for my taste.

  3. "Goodness is an empty concept that has led society through cancerous histories. Today, you'll find people mistaking their own greed for "goodness" and eating the planet up from under them and condemning themselves to total annihilation; Treating their Democracy and their Freedom as if it were some kind of religion. They're cheerfully justifying their journey towards self-destruct."

    Competency without goodness can lead to tyranny, but Goodness without competency WILL lead to ruin.

  4. Honor personified? Yeah, no. Certainly misunderstood and undoubtedly an awesome character, but under no definition could anyone call someone who murdered one king he was sworn to protect and shoving a little boy out of a window so the other king he was sworn to protect didn't find out he was fucking the queen are pretty much disqualifying actions for someone aspiring to 'honor'. He also released the Imp which made him an accomplice in patricide. So he got a little more humble after Zollo cut his hand off. Do his current oaths carry anymore weight now than they did then? Arya is pretending to be a whore to murk people in Braavos and Sansa is playing princess in the Vale so of course Stoneheart wants to kill him. She trusted him to bring her girls back and it cost Robb the Karstarks and maybe the entire WO5K as a result. Would Roose have turned if Lord Rickard and his men still been in the fold? Doubtful.

    And now Jamie's busy playing pussyfoot in the riverlands with people who would gladly put him in a crow's cage even after receiving a raven from the Qyburn from the Queen (again, sworn to protect) begging for his help.

    I love the fucking guy. My favorite book character after Roose and favorite show character after Sandor, but 'Jamie Lannister' and 'honor' are about as mutually exclusive as two things can get. I've got cancer and it's all I can do to try to hang on for Winds just to see how the whole Brienne/LS/Jamie thing goes and maybe Euron summoning a kraken to lay waste to Oldtown. I really, really, really wish this fucking guy would hurry up.

    Nice vid by the way. I disagree, but good content.

  5. Jamie is an incredible character, complicated but many of his actions are justifiable, Brann's trust fall, maybe not, but he only shorted the Mad Kings life by about five minutes and saved 1,000,000 people, on a whole i call that a just action. Now there are evil characters in the books, both Darkstar (Gerold Dayne) and Euron Greyjoy would seem to qualify, and both likely are allied with the Three Eyed Crow and the Great Other. The Mountain was probably evil, at least as much as the Joker is evil, or more accuratly, as was said before he was a mad dog.

  6. Lets not forget that he also promised to send Edmure's unborn child to him over the walls of Riverrun by means of a trebuchet if he coudn't convince the Blackfish to surrender the castle.

    Not to mention that he didn't even try to stop his father's excessively violent campaign in the Riverlands or even lift a finger to help any of the small folk who got butchered by his father's mad dog.

    And even Cersie was convinced that pushing Bran out of the window was unnecessary. 'The Mad Queen' was certain that some soft words or offer of sweets could have silenced him.

  7. Look, Jaime is ultimately a good man. He is an even better character, arguably the best in the show, however, because of his flaws. You cannot call him the most honourable as no matter how you look at it, he did push a child out of a window. I love Jaime as a character and he is a good man, but most honourable? No, there is just no way.

  8. Barristan is who you mean is the most honorable. Going from bad to good is a great arch but doesn't mean he has the most honor. Far from it actually as much as I love his character.

  9. Eh, honorable? No, good guy? No, he was a good guy at some point, but I'm sure there are times he doesn't care, since he knows his sister is evil, but he loves her and therefore he will do whatever it takes to stay by her side. So no, a few good acts does not make you honorable, it just makes you like any other person. He is a good character with more depth than most characters in the show. I love Jon Snow and he is definitely my favorite character, but he doesn't have near the depth as Jamie.

  10. How can someone be honorable if they attempt to murder children (Bran) and threaten to murder other children (Edmure Tully's son)?And Ned isn't good because he did the right thing and did his job to uphold the law while also preserving the lives of the Lanister bastards? What is this nonsense? Sure, I like Jamie as a character as much as anyone, but be reasonable. Lol

  11. You're forgetting the biggest point. The King broke his oath of protection to the people in the moment he gave that order, thereby forfeiting right to all Oaths of Fealty that were currently in place. A king swears, "I swear (affirm) that I will defend and preserve, with all My power, the independence and territory of the Kingdom."

  12. Agreed with to join the kingsguard so he could be in Kings Landing so he could keep Shagging Cersei

    Turned a blind eye to the Pyromancers putting the wildfire around KL

    After killing Rossart and the Mad King – He didn't go and Protect Elia & her children – OR stop the Sack of KL

    Sat on the IT until Eddard arrived,

    Should have took the Black right there

    Became KG to King Robb – Betrayed him by knocking 3 Bastards of of Cersei -Eddard's(Stannis and Jon Arryn's) discovery of that was the cause of the War of 5K's

    Threw Bran out of the tower window

    headbutted his cousin to death to escape

    Swore a vow to return Sansa and Arya to Kat and failed to do that or to return to his cell at Riverrun

    HONOUR? the man without it maybe.

    "You served him Well – When serving was SAFE"
    "the good does not wash out the BAD"

  13. Yeah he's a good man apart from the insect "wish I don't judge unless the couple tends to put those children in the iron throne to later ruin and cause war" also killing all those stark guards with a smile on his face and almost killing a child . Then killing more people in war he halfly responsible for it . I know he's trying to redeem himself but there's too much innocent blood on his hands . For example if he didn't push bran he wouldn't have become a cripple and hodor wouldn't have to hold the door so that a non moving bran could escape . And how many innocent men killed and women raped in the rivererlands for the lannister army to "protect their "legit king" wish he 100% brought to the world .
    One good deed doesn't wash away the other . Stannis Baratheon.

  14. Saying that Jaime is "the most honorable of them all" is extremely far fetched, there is no way that he's more honorable than Ned Stark and Jon Snow, those two wouldn't even tell a lie to save their own lives, and they sure as hell wouldn't push a boy out a window to protect their incestuous relationship.

  15. Great video and great analysis. You made me think and see the character from other perspective.

    The feeling I have with him is that had he not been captured and treated like a beast and mutilated by his numerous enemies, he would still be the same dbag that pushed a kid from a high tower with tons of swagger. After that, he feels deeply rejected by Cersei and Joffrey. This series of events humbled him, but I guess it would humble anyone, even such an arrogant dude. That's why I don't feel the sympathy that some feel towards him.

    I imagine a different timeline where Robb doesn't capture him, and I certainly see him being the same arrogant prick. The turn at the end of this last season is interesting though…


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