What will happen to Ser Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones Season 8? He is one of the few people NOT afraid of Death. Does that mean he will outlive everyone? Or will he die heroically, saving Rhaegar Targaryen’s last son, Jon Snow?

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  1. jaime's a fool. The mad king denied him and especially Tywin one of the most important things; an (honourable) heir.
    That messed him up. He always was very loyal. His conversation with Brienne underlines this sentiment: He tried to be loyal and good, but the two conflict with each other – can't remember his exact words, but being loyal to a king that wants to kill everybody borders to insanity… He tries to do right, but during his life he gets more and more convinced of the fact that family above all else is anything but honourable, nor will it lead to anything good – Cersei going down (slowly), Tyrion's unfair treatment leading to Tywin's death, a never ending cycle of families slaughtering families, etc. That kind of pushed him over; seeing that no matter what Cersei would do, she'd lose, taking everything with her. Because of her greed and lust for power and control. His love blinded him very long, as did loyalty (which is similar, think of adultery). Cersei already tortured Tyrion as a young child, she was always a horrible person, blaming Tyrion for her mothers death, further being ruined by Maggie the Frog. So, rationale has finally taken over, but it has taken him a damned long time. Like Olenna said when Jaime said he was a slow learner, but that there are always lessons in failure: "You must be very wise by now".

  2. You somehow always make me discover things I didn’t know about characters in GOT/ASOIAF. You are so talented. Your video’s are always entertaining! Happy new year btw!
    BTW I love Jaime more and more every season.

  3. There is something I have wondered about for quite a long time. Tywin wanted Jamie freed from his vows as a member of the Kingsguard to be his heir.
    I suspect Tywin gave permission to maim Jamie, what are your thoughts?

  4. There are also some other examples of Jaime not being afraid of death: he straight up told Cat he crippled her son. You don't tell a mother you crippled her (I don't know… eight year old?) son if you don't have a death wish.
    He was also quite chill about the Karstarks obviously out for his head after his first attempt at fleeing in the show, and purposefully provoced Cat even more, when he assumed she'd come to kill him.And then there's the Brienne-Jaime-scene in the riverlands in the books after lady stoneheart. I mean sure we don't know much about the details about what actually happens, but it looks like Jaime quietly followed her, when she made it look like he'd have to fight the hound, something he's got to know, would not be easy for him without his sword hand. Even if he suspects that it'S not the true hound.

  5. Ah I love how you get more and more confident in your kingslayer-fanboyism XD a few months back you were stillt 'ah I just realized I really like Jaime' or 'he's actually not quite that bad.'
    That's the way. Jaime's simply the best.

  6. No criticism on this video. I think you are right 100%. Jaime does not fear death. Yet. I think in order to fear death you have to have regret. Either for something you did or did not do. I suppose indirectly this indicates that Jaime has been true to himself for most of his life.

  7. He became my favorite too. As was told, he learned from Barristan the Bold, Arhur Dayne TSOTM… I don't think he only meant that as swordplay. I believe we'll see him as the perfect knight that he'll be, in the next season (or the book I hope).

  8. There are further accounts of Jaime being reckless with his life, mostly from Cersei (a few when Cersei reminded him that he was off doing all these dangerous activities while she was paying attention to their father). His leisure activities were also perilous. Jamie's motto has probably been YOLO/You Only Live Once.

  9. I always love your theory about Jaime becomes the protector/savior of Dannys/Jon child..Its sweet..Jaime seems to do more heroic things next season ..He is my HERO…I wish you have a nice year and more subscribers,likes,views and comments this year.

  10. Don't conflate death with fear of pain and suffering while dying; don't conflate fear of death with a dying needlessly. It happens all too much. Jamie may fear and brave these other things, but I agree, he doesn't seem to fear what happens to him after he has died and is dead.

  11. If forced to specifics….. while wearing foil hat….. I’ll say: The Kingslayer dies following his sacrifice of The Maid of Tarth, … a byproduct of the sacrifice somehow, and likely related to either Sweetrobin or the Mountain. Is Brienne Jamie’s sword?

  12. So I got this crazy theory here me our I don't think Jamie will die but he'll be the one to slay the knight king with lightbringer after stabbing widow wail into cersi heart cause Jon snow doing it would be to obvious and we all know George R.R Martin loves thrrowing curve balls to really shock us. B4 what you think about this I just found your channel yesterday so I don't know if you been asked this already. I really like Jamie kinda reminds me of my grandfather just no sister fucking part but how he redeemed him self

  13. So glad you are covering Jaime. I just had a revelation but not sure what it means. 
    JRRM loves story parallels and there are only two characters that have had their hand cut off… Jaime and the hand that Ghost finds right after Jon takes his oath.

     There has to be some a significance between Jaime and the dead wight that come back to life inside Castle Black. I think this is one of those very early missable details that actually means a lot.


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