There’s no Kingsman game unfortunately, so instead we play this sweet as James Bond game, Everything Or Nothing from 2003. A CLASSIC. UNIRONICALLY A CLASSIC.

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  1. I loved this game and agree that they should redo/update it.  Wasn't there some skydiving scene?  I was hoping to see that.

    I don't think there's anything that it ties into but you guys should review Robocop versus Terminator for the Genesis.  I remember being awed by the amount of blood when it came out.

  2. There is garbage in this video, but it's not the game. It's the player's garbage skills. Seriously, this is like watching my 5 year old girlfrie…. I mean niece play games. Geez, Mason.

  3. I remember playing this game years ago on my original Xbox AND IT WAS FANTASTIC (and the controls were not iffy for me it had some solid controls and some FÜCKING AMAZING missions)


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