The internet is at it again. The other day, #FireJamesGunn was trending on Twitter, as fans expressed their displeasure with how the Guardians of the Galaxy director was reshaping the DC Extended Universe. He and Peter Safran are now the co-heads of DC Studios, and have made some controversial moves. That includes killing the third Wonder Woman movie and revealing that they would not be having Henry Cavill return as Superman.

Essentially, Gunn is sweeping clean the DCEU as it existed under Zack Snyder, who got it rolling with Man of Steel way back in 2013. Snyder’s fans are notoriously passionate, and Gunn has suffered his share of Twitter anger at their hands. He reflected on it in a thread:

So basically, Gunn and Safran are going to continue on no matter what people scream at him on Twitter, which is fair. Part of me thinks that the best solution here is to just disengage, but Gunn is one of those guys who seems to love talking on Twitter. As long as he’s conscious of the fact that a lot of people use Twitter just to yell and vent their unfiltered rage and that he shouldn’t take it seriously, have at it, I suppose.

So Gal Gadot will still play Wonder Woman…?

That said, Gunn does have some bad social media habits, among them vagueness. For instance, commenting on Instagram, he hinted that maybe Gal Gadot won’t stop playing Wonder Woman just because Wonder Woman 3 is cancelled?

And then there’s this comment, about how DC Studios isn’t “recasting everyone except The Suicide Squad.”

So does that mean that other members of the old DCEU will remain in place? We know Henry Cavill isn’t coming back, and he wasn’t part of James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad movie. We’ve also heard that Jason Momoa won’t play Aquaman anymore, although he may get another role within the DCEU. Does that mean Margot Robbie is out as Harley Quinn, since she was a key part of The Suicide Squad?

Look, the DCEU is a confusing place at the best of times, and Gunn isn’t helping with these vague hints and half-formed info-dumps. Or maybe he’s having fun withholding the whole story. If people are going to berate you on Twitter anyway, you might as well have some fun with it?

James Gunn vs. Ray Fisher

Rounding out our journey through James Gunn’s social media is this little tiff with Ray Fisher, who played Cyborg in Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie. Fisher made waves after accusing Avengers director Joss Whedon, who stepped in to complete Justice League after Snyder had to leave, of misconduct. Fisher’s accusations were part of a cavalcade that essentially forced Whedon out of show business.

And now Fisher’s coming for Gunn for liking a tweet that was sort of in support of Whedon back when the scandal was breaking. Gunn then apologized for liking the tweet, and then Gunn deleted the apology. Fisher didn’t like that Gunn deleted the tweet, although Gunn pointed out that all of his tweets are automatically deleted after a few months. “It has nothing to do with my tweets to you,” the director said.

We’ll see what happens next. Will Gunn and Safran be able to turn the DCEU around, or will they fail and be replaced by someone else who pushes this boulder up a hill? Is it like whoever occupies Harrenhal in Game of Thrones? Is whoever runs DC Studios cursed and doomed to ignominious failure? That’s just one of the stories that will hopefully make 2023 entertaining.

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