Game of Thrones Season 7 is shaping up to be a wild ride and Winds of Winter the 6th book in the ASOIAF series can’t come soon enough I have brought you some Juice to get you thru the long night!!! It’s time again for another Gray Area DNA! You guys asked for it and it’s here The DNA of Cersei and Jamie Lannister , or is it Targaryen! Their has been tons of talk on Tyrion being a Targaryen, But I think he is a Lannister, Someone is definetly a Targaryen and Jamie and Cersei Fit the bill! The Game of Thrones Season 7 Theory is that Jamie and Cersei are The Mad King ‘s Children! Thanks for watching!

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How Big is Daenerys’s Army?
The Red Omen of Doom?
Why the Starks will win?
Arya and Melisandre meet again?
What do the White Walkers Want?
Bran’s Destiny
Jamie Lannister The Last Hero
The BlackFyre Prince
The Doom of Valyria

Music: Artist: Ross Bugden

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  1. If you change your voice, I think you'd lose your fan base. We love you just for what you are, and about this video, I've saying this this for a loooooong time, and no one seems to agree with me. Why would they be incestuos since the age of 6, if that wasn't on their DNA?

  2. It would be ironic if this was the case. Tywin hated Tyrion because he wondered whether he could be the mad kings son. Tyrion killed Tywin because of this hate eventually. Jaime and Cersei were upset at Tyrion killing Tywin. Yet, if this theory was correct, then Jaime was the person to actually kill his Father.

  3. Thanks for doing such a good job explaining my favorite ASOIAF theory! In addition to all the good points already brought up we have this from Sir Barristan

    "The Targaryens have always danced too close to madness. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land."

    And we can see how the Gods coin toss played out: Jamie is like valorous like Rhaegar, and Cersei is mad like Aerys.

    Also, seasons 6 and 7 have Cersei constantly wearing all black and she has worn more than one black dress with patterns that resembles dragon scales, and dragon spikes. Visually she's grown apart from the Lannister reds and golds.

    Chapter: "Jaime", page 856

    The strained silence went on until it was more than Jaime could endure. "Father . . ." he began.
    "You are not my son." Lord Tywin turned his face away


    Chapter "Jaime", page 717

    (Conversation between Jaime and his aunt Genna)

    Jaime kissed her cheek. "[Tywin] left a son."
    "Aye, he did. That is what I fear the most, in truth."
    That was a queer remark. "Why should you fear?"
    "Jaime" she said, […], "sweetling, I have known you since you were a babe at Joanna's breast. You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg, and there's some of Kevan in you … but Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you. I said so once to your father's face, and he would not speak to me for half a year. Men are such thundering great fools."

  5. Interesting theory but what about Tyrion's approach on one of the shackled dragon's. According to the known world not anyone can approach a dragon. Dragons have a connection with Tarygyreans. One cannot just approach a Dragon without a result of being burnt, eaten, or ridden. At no point during the show did Jaime or Cersei come near a Dragon. So could it be safe to say that Tyrion is maybe a Tarygyrean?

  6. All goes back to Samwell getting the book of House Lannister in the second episode 32 minutes in. Either Tyrion or the twins are going to be Targaryan. The only reason the book would be relevant at this point.

  7. This would be a brilliant twist. It would make them siblings of Dany and uncle/aunt to Jon. Btw – I don't know what is wrong with some people complaining about your voice. You sound lovely.

  8. One of my vids of yours Grey, love how sassy you are at the very beginning of the video! I feel that Cersei and Jamie being dragons is so vital to the ASOIAF endgame. Not only is it poetic, their Targ status is important from a magical perspective. I do have a theory that I have posted elsewhere and I'd love to get your thoughts!

    I believe that Cersei is the modern day stand in for the 'Maiden-Made-of-Light' with her 'Light of the West' and 'Protector of the Realm' titles. In the Weirwood dream it mentions:

    "Her torch was the only light in the cavern. Her torch was the only light in the world. She turned to go. "Stay with me," Jaime pleaded. "Don't leave me here alone." But they were leaving. "Don't leave me in the dark!"

    Who turned away from the world in just before the world turned to darkness? The Maiden-Made-of-Light…

    I believe that the The Maiden-Made-of-Light turned her back on the world when she became the Night's Queen. In the modern day, the cause for Cersei turning her back could possibly be linked to Jamie abandoning her…

    "Sister, why has Father brought us here?" "Us? This is your place, Brother. This is your darkness."

    In Maggi's prophecy is mentions a beautiful woman that will take all that Cersei holds dear. Brienne-the-Beauty has an inner beauty that Cersei will never have. She, is the younger, more beautiful woman that will take the last thing that Cersei truly holds dear… Jamie, or if I was being a bit more cynical her beauty. 

    Now this might be a bit of a stretch, but I'm wondering if the Maggi the frog prophecy describes only the first death of Cersei. I believe she will marry Euron out of desperation once she realises Jamie has left her. She might even blame Jamie somewhat for the death of their final two children as a result of him ignoring her pleas.

    Euron knowing she is Aerys daughter, a dragon and the modern day Maiden-made-of-Light will then kill Cersei by strangling her, but not before Euron cruelly strips the last part of her identity of course. Cersei will die drowning in her own tears with the knowledge that Tyrion is the only true born child of Tywin Lannister and that she is alone and loved by no one.

    Upon her revival Cersei will fully embrace her identity as Aerys daughter. She will be the mad, wildfire wielding Night's Queen hell bent on making the world pay for its cruelty.

    Now looking at the the WoW Aeron chapter, if Euron is indeed working for the Others, Cersei will be the (undead) woman standing at his side from Aeron's vision. The quote in the second vision seems to match up to this quote from Jamie's dream:

    "and beside Lord Tywin stood his sister, pale and beautiful, a torch burning in her hand."

    "Beside him stood a shadow in woman’s form, long and tall and terrible, her hands alive with pale white fire. Dwarves capered for their amusement, male and female, naked and misshapen, locked in carnal embrace, biting and tearing at each other as Euron and his mate laughed and laughed and laughed."

    We could easily say that Cersei is already tall and terrible and will no doubt be even more so when she is the Night's Queen. The dwarves capering for their amusement is also interesting if you were to also look at a potential gift Cersei could receive from Euron. At various points in the books Tyrion is warned to STFU by a number of different characters who warn him he is in danger of losing his tongue. Who do we know that likes ripping out peoples tongues? I can't remember where I heard the theory, but it would be such a tragic and truly shocking thing to happen to Tyrion. It would be the equivalent to Jamie losing his sword hand. However, unlike Jamie, this will be the absolute final straw before Tyrion loses his humanity entirely.

    Going back to Cersei, she is also often refered to as pale, with Cersei even describing herself as looking like a corpse whenever she wears black (I think it was mentioned at Tywin's funeral?). Now who else could be described as a beautiful Corpse Queen? The Night's Queen of course!

    Speaking of corpses, I believe that Cersei's second and final death will be some kind of a mercy killing Nissa Nissa style at the hands of Jamie. Who has at this point realised that he created this darkness when he pushed Bran out of the window. She will cry out in agony and ecstasy when Jamie drives widow's wail into her heart. Having the all of the right ice and fire ingredients in place, Ned's former sword 'Ice'/Widow's Wail will alight with the pale blue flame forshadowed in his Weirwood dream. He will then sacrifice himself using his sword to kill Night King Euron, finally getting his name in the white book after saving thousands for a second and final time.


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