This is the end game thoery for Jamie The Kingslayer Lannister. This is how Jamie Lannister story will end. If you dont want to know don’t watch possible spoilers for season 8 of Game Of Thrones . When we see Jamie leave kings landing where is he going? This video has the easter eggs and things you missed that give you proof of how Jamie Lannister final arc will go. Is it redemption or something else?
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  1. It's a good and sound theory. I like it. Jon is my boy. Has been since my first read through, but I think he has to die or ser allister was right, he'll be fighting their wars forever. If Jon has to die, Jon and the nights king do finish it the old way, One vs one, but mounted on dragons over the gods eye and Jon goes all Rouge Prince on the nights king. But I want nothing more than him sitting the iron throne after the new dawn with ghost at his feet, but like ghost Jon has to die. I hope you're right like you always are and I'm wong.

  2. I began to see Jamie’s smugness in this scene differently over the years. Now I feel that Jamie’s smugness is meant to seem to the audience like he’s trying to be a blatant asshole to Jon. But now knowing his full backstory I don’t think this is the case. His comment about serving in “such an elite force” and “its only for life” is actually him expressing his own disdain for the kingsguard and his oath for life.
    Before Jamie was in the kingsguard, he viewed them in the exact same way Jon views the nightswatch. He admired the likes of Arthur Dayne and wanted to be just like him, just as Jon admires his uncle as first ranger. Yet it wasn’t until Jamie took his vow for life until he understood why he was really named to the kingsguard. And now, years later he has seen this elite force made up of hero’s in his eyes replaced with the likes of meryn trant. So now Jamie views the kingsguard as a joke of what it used to be. Yet his vow is for life, so he honors it.Jamie sees his younger self in Jon. An excited young man who is ready to pledge his life to what he thinks will be this elite force and everything will be awesome. Eventually Jon gets hit with the same realization that Jamie once had. The realization that this “elite force” is not what it was made out to be. Yet I said my vows for life and now I’m stuck. I think An even cooler arc for Jamie in regards to Jon would be that if Jamie finds out Jon is the one true king, and becomes the lord commander of his kingsguard, holding true to his vow he took so long ago.

  3. why would jaime lannister have respect for anyone? he saved the country from burning down due to the mad kng and has been treated as a criminal ever since, a rich criminal but a criminal all the same. proving there is no honour in doing the right thing in westeros.

  4. Happy New Year,Tony. Loved the confab last night. Another hint about Jaime doing that is his gratitude towards Dickon Tarly (who he had also mocked) for stabbing someone to save Jaime at the Fireld of Fire 2.

  5. Oooh I like this theory. Idk if it will happen but I like it and could see it. I see Jaime redeeming himself in some way (even if he does die). He might die trying to do the right thing but who knows.

  6. Ok Teflon… it was redemption for you too with this video… like it… (last time we argued about the so called proof you gave us for the ghost/Jon theory). Keep it up.

  7. This is actually really good. But wait I thought you were doing vids on how all THREE Lannisters will die because of Euron. I am guessing this is not that vid, but anyways very interesting idea and I like it

  8. Wow Tony! Hope you had a great New Year! Thanks for starting off 2018 with an amazingly logical breakdown. Can you please post a video on how Varys may die. I think he could be killed with "blue" dragon fire like he experienced when his "parts" were tossed in the flames and turned blue. Thoughts?

  9. Nope, Nope, Nope!!!… I think he will save Jon in some way, but y in the hell does he have 2 do it from the back like coward ass Reed, & coward ass Ned? Ned was no better than Jaime 4 killing Arthur Dayne from the back while Arthur was on his knees. I think the only way it will be a redemption is if he's sacrificing himself in the process. 🤔 & Y the hell does Jon's sorry ass always need saving? He's got 2 good hands. Fuk Jon I hope he dies again. Bittersweet.🦁

  10. Lol u stay hatin on Jaime. So now he not a great commander? High Garden and Riverun fell to armies commanded by Jaime. But u CONVENIENTLY leave that part out or minimize it by giving Tarly the credit. Come on fam…. agree wit ur theory tho

  11. Love your channel Teflon, but I don’t agree.

    In order for Jaime to get redemption, he needs to answer for his crimes and clear his name.

    I believe 100% Tyrion will betray Dany in some form or fashion, there are lots of foreshadowings for it. And the Imp will be brought before a trial. You remember how Tyrion’s champion was supposed to be Jaime originally, both in the Eyrie and King’s Landing?

    This time around, Jaime will be Tyrion’s champion – not only to prove his brother’s innocence, but to redeem his name and answer for his crimes.

    And you do know Ned Stark’s “a man who passes the sentence should swing the sword”. Jon Snow will be fighting Jaime himself, without selecting his own champion because it is the old way. You have a foreshadowing for Jaime and Jon’s fight when Kingslayer engaged Ned Stark in a duel, and then wanted to engage Robb Stark. He just HAS to fight Jon under some context in this story.

    And the fight will be very bloody and dirty because both Jon and Jaime have been trained to fight with teeth and claws and forget honorable way to fight – all that matters is survival (Bronn’s constant training, Karl Tanner and Magnar of Thenns in Jon’s story, etc., I am probably forgetting some scenes).

    And I bet you that Jaime will be overpowered initially because Jon is a badass swordsman, but he will triumph with some dishonorable trick, and as he is about to finish Jon, I bet that Arya Stark will interrupt and put an arrow through Jaime’s eye and kill him. She has many foreshadowing scenes where she practices with bow and arrow, and she actually has a scene with Jaime at the Twins where she is eyeing him. She is the reincarnation of death.

    Tyrion will be found innocent because Arya intervened, but I believe Jon Snow will be wounded mortally. And when people will want to bring back the king from the dead and make some sacrifice for it (I believe Melisandre will voluntarily burn herself to resurrect Jon one more time), it will be not Jon, but Jaime Lannister resurrected, who will resemble Beric Dondarrion a lot with one eye.

    Having paid with his life for his old crimes and clearing his name in the eyes of people and gods, Jaime’s final mission will be to end Cersei’s tyranny in King’s Landing and fulfill valonqar prophecy. Not to mention that I believe Sansa will be kidnapped and held hostage by Cersei in the capital, and Jaime did swear to Catelyn to keep her safe.

    Oh, and by the way, I believe Tyrion’s last trial happens AFTER Night King is stopped, and Starks are dispensing justice during the second Hour of the Wolf (I believe Varys, Missandei and several other traitors shall be executed either by wronging Starks or Daenerys who will be Jon’s wife at that point).

  12. I’m down with this. I’d like to see Jamie stab NK with the Catspaw dagger. Also it reminds me a bit of LOTR where Merry stabs the witch king in the back of the leg before Eowyn finishes him off

  13. I can see this as a possible ending for Jaime, it works with his arc so far. And I am glad you didn't mention that he has to die to redeem himself, as I don't think it is 100% necessary for GRRM's story to be wrapped up (although there are likely to be many key character deaths in S8)
    I have to say I disagree with his inability to lead armies though. He had been one step ahead of Dany/Tyrion/Jon for a while, which is what led Dany to use her dragon and Dothraki against the straggling Lannister troops. To say that Jaime is not a good leader based on an attack so out of the blue is unfair on his character. Very interesting video overall though!

  14. Good Video but i have to disagree about your opinion about jaime being a Bad General because this is Not true. He Took riverrun Without One loss, he Tricked Tyrion and took easily highgarden and Come on he was Not succesfull vs a Fucking Dragon wow

  15. I like this idea a lot! I’m still thinking Jamie’s going to get better at fighting with his left. Why else would they have Tywin telling Arya about Jamie overcoming his dyslexia?


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