Thanks to the rise of social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, we live in a world where just about everything anyone does in public can be placed under a microscope. It’s more more common for film and television stars than for the rest of us, obviously, but if you’re out there, there’s always the chance you could do something that goes viral, for better or worse.

And let’s be honest: too often, it’s for the worst. For example, former Game of Thrones star and current Aquaman headliner Jason Momoa was the subject of some ridiculous body-shaming recently. Us Weekly uploaded a photo of Momoa — topless at a swimming pool while on vacation with his wife and daughter in Venice — to Instagram, and the comments started rolling in.

It got ridiculous pretty quick:

The shaming even extended to Twitter. Twitter, people, normally a haven of civility:

If Jason Momoa in that photo is considered fat, then I’ll be swimming in a t-shirt from now on.


Some folks compiled negative comments to shame the people body-shaming Momoa. Septa Unella would be proud. And it wasn’t all negative. Momoa’s fans — and also decent human beings with working eyes — jumped to his defense.

We live in a weird, strange and stupid world, folks.

Next: George R.R. Martin: House Stark is “definitely” in the Game of Thrones prequel

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