Game of Thrones has had a long line of cast members, many of whom have become legends in the GoT Hall of Fame. One such star is Jason Momoa, who played the role of Khal Drogo. Like many characters on the show, Khal Drogo met his end a long time ago, in Season 1 itself. However, Jason Momoa still loves the show, and actively engages in things related to it. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Momoa discussed which prop he took home from the set and more. Read on!

Jason Momoa actually recounted it as a story, from the time he was filming the scene in Season 1, Episode 8, The Pointy End. The scene has him cut out a guy’s throat and pull his tongue out.

He said:

“My daughter was with me on set. I love taking [my kids] everywhere, but I’m covered in blood, and she’s sitting there knitting with the wardrobe department. She’s so cute. I’m like, “Hi, baby!” [She’s like,] “I love you, Papa!” Then I’d go and be like, “Raaa!” She was, like, 4 years old. “Papa’s just playing” — not fazed by it at all. It was a very memorable moment.”

He then continued to talk about the disgusting yet endearing prop he took from the scene:

“I’m a big fan of taking the things that I worked with. So I have the souvenir of the tongue and the throat. That’s just on my desk. I called up Dan and David. I think it was one of the first scenes that was never in the book, and George called me out on it, I think while we were doing the [Comic-Con] panel.”

He went on to talk about his mindset during the scene:

“I always wanted to see [Drogo] go to battle. I didn’t want to do some elaborate fight scene. I think it’s [just as] intimidating to whisper in someone’s ear and go, “Stop that.” You can just parry; I don’t need to do any fight moves. Then you just take the guy’s sword and slice his throat out. I was like, “We can get a chicken breast, and we’ll just cover my hand in blood, and that’ll do it.” And then within days they had this f—ing throat and tongue attachment, and it looked amazing.”

When you think about it, that prosthetic tongue actually wouldn’t be a bad prop to own. What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down bewlow!



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