Full disclosure: I have never seen a Fast and the Furious movie, so I feel under-qualified to talk about the new one. So I’m just going to fall back on the cliché I always see used online whenever this series comes up:

It’s about family.

And indeed, the word “family” is mentioned a lot in the new trailer for Fast X, which is set to be the penultimate film in this 22-year-old franchise about drag racers who save the world. In the new one, a colorful villain played by Jason Momoa is coming for Dom (Vin Diesel) and his “family,” which I am told is what The Fast and the Furious is all about. Watch below:

Rita Moreno’s in this? Helen Mirren’s in this?

Whatever. Fast X comes out in theaters on May 19.

Vin Diesel does a J.R.R. Tolkien impression, compares The Fast and the Furious to The Lord of the Rings

Speaking to Variety, Diesel discussed the hardest thing about keeping a series going for as long as The Fast and the Furious: keeping the story consistent. “There’s a reason Tolkien stopped writing after a while,” he laughed. “Because it’s so hard to continue mythologies.”

Is that why The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien stopped writing? I don’t know, but who cares, this is fun. Variety’s Mark Malkin then called the Fast & Furious movies “The Lord Of The Rings of action movies” and Vin Diesel rolled with it. “From your mouth to god’s ears. It’s so true.”

And then he put the cherry on top of the interview: A J.R.R. Tolkien impression, complete with British accent: “I should have stopped after The Hobbit.”

I have no opinion on if this interview is good or bad or what. I’m just happy it exists.

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