Jason Momoa isn’t just a pretty face. He’s also got a great sense of humor.

Case in point, the “Aquaman” star made a huge splash online this week when a photo of him posing with a married couple at Denver’s Comic Con went viral.

In the photo, which was posted to Reddit by a user named twoforjoy (who asked to be referred to by just her first name, Liz) over the weekend, you can see her posing with the 38-year-old Momoa prom style. Off to the side stands her husband, with the actor’s hand smashing his face.

The best part? After the photo was printed, Momoa inked his signature right over her husband’s face.

Liz told HuffPost that she initially wanted to take a photo alone with Momoa, who famously played Khal Drogo on “Game of Thrones.”

“I wouldn’t say that I have a crush on him,” she told HuffPost. “He’s just an extremely attractive human being — as pretty much anyone with working eyeballs can objectively agree.”

Her husband got where she was coming from, but since the couple had to cough up $100 to snap a photo with Momoa, her husband didn’t feel comfortable spending that kind of cash without being in the picture as well.

So at the last minute, they decided to do a fun pose and asked Momoa if he would strike a classic prom photo pose with Liz while her husband stood “Photoshopping distance away,” she said.

“‘Hell yeah!’ was [Momoa’s] immediate response,” Liz said.

The two quickly took their places and struck a pose.

“Before I knew it, the camera flashed, and everyone in the booth around us was laughing,” Liz said. “As we were shuffled toward the exit, I heard Jason call out, ‘My man, that’s going to be the best one!’ It wasn’t until I saw the printout of the shot that I even realized Jason had done some improvising of his own.”

And by improvising, she’s talking about Momoa’s epic face smash.

After seeing how great the photo came out, the two knew that they had to get the picture autographed by Momoa as well.

“If anything, so that he could see the hilarious results of his quick thinking,” she said. “When he saw the photo, he simply said, ‘This is fucking amazing!’ and — at my husband’s request — gleefully signed directly across his face.”

Though the entire experience only lasted a few minutes, it’s one the couple will never forget.

“Thanks to a super cool dude with an excellent sense of humor, we ended up with a priceless possession that will hang proudly in our home for many years to come,” Liz said.



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