There are times when life puts us in situations when we think about changing our path. Game of Thrones star Jerome Flynn had to face something similar before he was cast into the show. His life changed forever ever since. In an interview with Digital Spy, Flynn revealed he was about to quit acting altogether before the show. (There are some others who almost quit after getting rejected for the series.)

Jerome said,  “I hadn’t been on screen for about 10 years. I was thinking I might leave the business behind. But I’d also poured all my savings into renovating an old farm estate in Wales. My agent called – there’s this thing called Game of Thrones, American, medieval. I was like, ‘Oh god really, that sounds dodgy’. And I had a lot of resistance going down to London to audition.”

Jerome Flynn almost quit acting prior to playing Bronn on Game of Thrones

“I opened up a kitchen cabinet onto my eye and gave myself a kind of black eye. I didn’t look at the script, but I put my hair back and suddenly felt like ‘Oh, I could be a badass’. They just saw the face and saw that and thought, ‘Ooh yeah, he’s a bit of a killer’. I think it helped also because Dan [Weiss] and Dave [Benioff] said they had no idea about my past, about Robson and Jerome or Soldier.”

“Somebody sent me some blog when I got cast, from English fans of the books… and then when they found I got cast, some were desperately upset. One guy couldn’t believe that Bronn could be played by me. And one guy actually said, ‘This is the worst day of my life’… they just couldn’t put those two, Bronn and Jerome, together.”

What do you think of Jerome Flynn’s Bronn? Tell us in the comments below!



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