Mick West is a game programmer, writer, and debunker. Currently runs a few websites including and
Mick West is a game programmer, writer, and debunker. Currently runs a few websites including and
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i don't even think it'll be a hundred years…more like ten…
Joe "don't spoiler alert me" Rogan
What if the CIA-Oligarchy put millions of bots on the internet to perpetuate false narratives to fabricate a consensus which doesn't exist so as to bolster rigging of elections & norms of society & people have no way of knowing because they don't personally know 10's of millions of people right nor are we allowed to audit elections properly especially the machines which are owned-built-controlled by the same people who would be rigging them. Maybe it's already happening & you are just out of the loop & most people are compartmentalized in ways as yet unfathomable to you… what if what is publicly known about technology isn't the most up to date technology I mean do you really think we're allowed to use the most advanced tech if you were DARPA-CIA-the oligarchy would you allow this or would you use tech to control society by keeping them generations behind let's just say if you were a psycho-sociopath what would you do?
Need to show these guys Kizuna Ai, watch'em freak out
yeah terrible president who found out obama is funding group's all over america to fight him and tried keeping land for himself which trump just returned to american's giving you billion's in resources and land to move into and the human brain is faster than any computer so much it could only keep up with 1%.
If an AI was smart enough to pass the Turing test, it would be smart enough to know to fail it.
Getting fearful about internet bots will just green-light heavy government online surveillance and removal of online freedoms. Surely it's better to allow all information to flow to the masses freely than to bring the ministry of truth into existence.
Alpha Zero had 600 years worth of human level Chess knowledge and then beyond it in 4 hrs… FACT!
Look at all these Trumpers moaning like liberals, as they claim to be so different from them. So close-minded and pathetic. Come at me, fucking vampires.
Mick West is the spitting image of Bez from the Happy Mondays.
Joe needs to stop watching the MSM.
Just make a sexy ass robot and when all the robots go to her drop an emp bomb from a helicopter
You have to ask yourself why would a lifeless machine have any urge to want to take over earth at the end of the day they are computers
'As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end'
In the game Deus Ex on PC it goes into this stuff pretty deep. It's been around for a while. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_Ex_(video_game)
It's like how can you believe CNN but not believe the Earth is flat. If the Earth is flat has way many more points than CNN has. Ahhahahaha
It really depends on who he has on his show whether he's a liberal fag a Hollywood pedo protector or regular dude
So Joe Rogan you're telling me Donald J Trump tells more lies than his counterparts. You mean he tells the truth more and you're used to being lied to
Maybe aliens have evolved their vagina to be able to handle birthing children with massive heads. Maybe they are all gender neutral or female and do give a fak if they have massive vaginas. Maybe the grunt they woke in promethias was one of a few males left, and he’s only mission once he wakes is to impregnate all they bitches. He’s like fing humans, get out the way. Time to give the females some business.
Joe "everyone should be able to host a donkey jizz drinking reality TV show so they can afford to kill their own meat with a brand name hunting bow" Rogan
Joe please see Marlon Brando
I'm not watching your crap anymore hoe but I watch planes spray everyday and there is an free radical AI that has been unleashed that no one can stop. Resistance is futile.
Complete nonsense. The amount of processing power required to maintain basic level sentience would be absolutely insane.
Joe's right die hard Trump fans or die hard Hillary fans have a huge blind spot . Their ability to see sophistry is next to nothing.
To make the assumption that other life would be like us is a flaw in western human thinking . what got us to this point is living in harmony with nature 190,000 years . right now we have 2000 years of living in opposition to nature . were not going to make it another 2000 year on this course.
generative adversarial networks not generative adaptive networks
I'd make my clone do over time
"Step away from the chemtrails" OK then, since you told me to. Lol
Do you really deny the existence of chemtrails? All you need to do is look up. Step away from the smartphone you fucking mug.
Geordie Rose** the creator of DWAVE..Look it up
This guy is extremely naive on the time span of these things to come..100 years? Decades? It'll be within a couple years. Don't give in to all this tech they push on us. 5G is deadly. DWAVE is summoning beings from other dimensions as we speak. Look it into it folks, DWAVE quantum computer. Geordie Roae. God Bless
He starts it off with his Trump bashing…. Thumbs down
Computers or "machines" are not limited though, especially when networked together. Their AI progression can be exponentially more than we currently theoretically believe. AI is a massive risk for us to delve any further into.
The Universe only communicates in analog.
everyone get to your doomsday shelter, the ripe tomato sorter has a mind of its own! Since Hollywood has ran out of ideas and does nothing but remake old movies, how bout doing a new version of maximum overdrive
Birthed from a 3D printer
That tomato machine was missing so many green tomatoes
Imagine if Mick had a Southern accent LOL. This dude only gets by because of that lispy british accent.
Joe, u should have some integrity and interview Christopher Bollyn. U fuking sell out.
He outed himself when he turned against Louis CK and revealed his true agenda. So now he's backtracking and trying to please the masses with these conspiracy theories that he obviously does not believe in.
Watch out for tiki torching bro boys that want a cuck scene w/joe. 😂😂😂😂 Trump NEVER lied (while they're gobblin' that saudi cock) .. ROFL!!!!! Wipe your 💋. joes no safe space
Our President is out of his mind? Who the Fuck are you again Mr. Rogan, & what are YOUR Credentials ?
the first thing mick west says in this video proves he is a disinfo shill…
"put down the chem trails and walk away from the flat earth" ummm the majority of closed minded people do have it down and walked out of their minds and react like joe did when they see the robots getting faster. its like ignore one sign so they are given another sign (scarier) and still have the audacity to mock it with other real issues going on and it makes me sad to see people are like this. all this manifests because closed minded people have to much pride to explore farther out the reaches that they were indoctrinated with … i see things in longevity and i could tell you i seen this coming … don't act surprised your drunkenness and your ignorance is the cause of this, too many humans cant grasp living in another's shoes to see all aspect of outcomes … and ignorant people's intelligence only allows them to reply in insult because no matter what the topic is they "need" to make themselves feel like they're on "top" its pure ignorance with the thought process that so many people have adopted .. it doesn't matter if earth is flat if you respond with insult you lose but have you ever thought "why is there 2 theories?" how could it be 2017 and this is really a thing? because living on the type of earth that God said he put for us is not what the occult wants so thats why in schools they push the "Globe" agenda …and before you say thats stupid…stop and do a thought process in your head and really think. if you believe in space then you are more susceptible to believe in aliens and all that, so they pump out many space movies to confirms in your mind and now you really believe aliens might be real. talk about conspiracies… but Deny God our creator now thats wicked! repents for your sins and God bless you all.
I just listened to two people who has an education based on Hollywood movies. I want my time back!
Titan V Skynet edition.
@9:00 Joe basically describes the Human Harvester Pods from the Matrix
Fucking synths
sorry i dont have a natural inclination to become gender less ie a mental illness
Your machines will always be a hunk of junk . Period.