I’ll keep this prelude brief. James Corden had a bit on his show where a bunch of British celebrities played dodgeball against a bunch of American celebrities. Among the British are Benedict Cumberbatch, Harry Styles and Game of Thrones star John Bradley (Sam Tarly). The American team includes Melissa McCarthy, Allison Janney and freaking Michelle Obama.

Together, they chuck balls at each other until the people at home laugh. Watch below:

“John Bradley takes on to the back and now his watch is ended.” I feel like we can just leave it there.

In other Game of Thrones celebrity news, Sophie Turner is angling for a new role: playing singer Boy George in a biopic:

This is far from the first time someone has noted how much Turner looks like ’80s-era Boy George:

Just to confirm that’s a picture of Boy George, not Turner. Smells like destiny.

Turner is also on the cover of the new Chinese vogue. Opportunities everywhere!

But it’s not all good news: according to ComicBook.com, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (the Mountain) has lost the title of World’s Strongest Man to American Martins Licis, who goes by the nickname of the Dragon, which is pretty funny.

Björnsson placed third in the competition, which went down this past Sunday in Florida. We have no doubt Björnsson is entirely good-natured about it, but if we were Licis, we might wear sunglasses for a while. If he wants to know what we mean, ask Oberyn Martell.

Finally, we have some news about Game of Thrones cast members doing good in the world, starting with Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth) talking to Yahoo Finance about traveling to South Sudan on behalf of World Vision and meeting with refugees affected by the civil war. “In South Sudan , I met some of the most powerful, inspirational people I have ever experienced,” he said. “I met mainly women and children, and they had witnessed violence no one should ever have to endure. Children who had witnessed their parents being murdered, and then were forced to become child soldiers.”

The situation was dire but the spirit of these people was unstoppable and inspirational. The people I met are fighting back. Not with guns or weapons, but with grace and with determination. I have tried, through the portraits I took, to share the stories of these amazing individuals. It was an honour to meet them.

Those portraits will be on display in the West Wing of Toronto’s Union Station from June 18-20 as part of “Untold: Behind the Headlines,” an event that gives people a look at the lives of children living in some of the world’s most dangerous places.

And finally, George R.R. Martin took to his Not a Blog to praise some of the charity work undertaken by Game of Thrones star Sibel Kekilli (Shae). For years, Kekilli has worked with Terre des Femmes, a non-profit organization that fights violence against women. “Now Sibel has a new venture,” Martin writes, “working with PAPATYA to rescue girls (from the ages of 13 to 21) threatened with forced child marriages and abductions.”

“She has my admiration and support,” he continues. “I hope she has yours as well.”

Next: Game of Thrones director “wanted to kill everyone” at the Battle of Winterfell

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