A vast family and a way of life for countless individuals, Game of Thrones was more than just the greatest television program of the century for over ten years. The fans, the actors, and the crew all find it difficult to let go of the once-in-a-lifetime event. Many of the staff and cast members remain in contact with one another, and many of them can still clearly recall their first day on the set. Actor John Bradley, who portrayed Samwell Tarly, the closest friend of Jon Snow, has shared what he misses about Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones gave John Bradley a “family”

Game of Thrones was an unforgettable experience, and Bradley still misses it. In a recent chat with Cherwell.org, he said,

“It’s all about the people. The fact that we got to work together as a team for nine years is so rare. It’s like a family. When you do movies you get to know people extremely well for a few months and then you may never see them again, but we always had the last six months of the year with each other, and the friendships that developed were special. There’s something very unique about that.”

Friendships developed very quickly on Game of Thrones

Bradley also talked about how he was able to make friends quickly on the set of Game of Thrones, “The hardest part for someone naturally shy like myself is making all those friendships quickly. However, every time we went back it was like putting on comfortable clothes.

An artistic acting rapport naturally developed between us. You can’t manufacture that. It just happens. We were incredibly lucky to not have a single bad personality or toxic energy within the entire cast. That’s rare.”

Read Next: John Bradley (Sam) recalls dealing with Game of Thrones negativity: “It’s about shaking it off”



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