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  1. You know my mentality has always been the opposite. Even if a friend spoils me without me asking it I wouldnt care at all. Can you play the scene as it is played? Can you show me the set? Can you imitate the effects? Can you really compensate all the work done by so much talented men and women with simple "John Snow dies". Its literally nothing. Unless you are an amazing story teller you wont really spoil my experience. And if you are amazing story teller, kudos to you. If you make me feel for the character with your awesome story telling I will enjoy your story and still watch the show.
    I really never understood people who are mad about spoilers. Are you reading or watching a story only for the end? Thats ridiculous. Let me tell you a story in that manner "This is a story about a guy named John. He is a lord of Kindgrove and he goes to the capitol of the kingdom Jasperdine – Lardenttard… Well he dies like after a year he spent there, because of some mistakes he made." Do you feel that you have a good story? You had a start and you know the ending in two sentences. Is this the same as reading 600 pages book and going through the story with your character? It matters if he dies, but what matters more is what happens in between and what happens after. How his death influenced the story overall. The situation he was put in matters. If its a movie, the act of the actors matter. If you see a brilliant acting you may even cry that this character died. Did any of you that were spoiled cry when you heard "John Snow dies."?
    In conclusion: please stop complaining about spoilers. A good book or a movie is like life. The main thing is not how it ends, but the journey and the whole picture.

  2. Hah, that's not much of a Manchester accent, whereas the young actress in 'bates hotel' certainly has one, cooke is her surname, I forgot her forname, he should sound like her.

  3. i could never understand why people would want to know spoilers. an ex of mine used to wiki a movie right before we were about to watch it. everytime. drove me damn nuts. i'm like, why the F did we bother watching this then? I don't like surprises she says. I said fine, little heads up…we're not doing anything for your bday.


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