Jon Snow is Aegon Targaryen as was confirmed in the Season 7 finale of Game of Thrones. However, in Season 8, things might not be looking up for Dany and Jon Targaryen when they learn that they are related. As the King of the North, Jon Snow’s men (the Northerners) are going to be quite upset that Jon has bent the knee to a foreigner they see as the enemy.

Let us know what your theory is!

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  1. Really people? Why does everyone think there is going to be some big argument or break ups? The world is falling apart, and having any such arguments seems petty. That's why Littlefinger is dead, there is no more games, there is a war, and they don't really have time to ponder life decisions.

  2. As an aspiring screen writer and aspiring actor, having watched Seasons 1-6 thus far, and with much on-line deep core research; Daenerys is not going to act like a dumb blonde, and say, its o.k. You can have the throne, and I will be in exile. WRONG! There is going to be a rift, cause she lost a brother over this, Khal Drogo and her first born, by treachery of a sorceress, whom she doesn't like of any; her best friend who was a knight, that was ambushed by the Harpie, etc. See my point? This would all be for nothing. And she is not about to give in having wasted most of her Targaryen life, to have nothing to show for. So, she will have a baby girl, Jaenerys, by her nephew, Jon; but give Jon an ultimatum, and that could cause some serious ramifications between them.
    Also, somewhere Jon will either be killed, when a dragon sparks the green fire in the pit, and Daenerys is either forced off the throne, now that she has no dragons for protection, OR the crucify her, to which the current Iron Islands King will be disappointed, cause he wanted his way with her.

  3. Actually, Jon put her on the pedestal first and then bed her, so it's not as bad. He was dragon-whipped after she saved them from the wights and then pledged to join him in destroying the Night King. He's not plain ole pwssy-whipped bc she is one hot aunty. Her deeds put her on the pedestal and why would the northerners disagree with that? But you're probably right in the show writing it as you said for conflict snd drama.

  4. Why didn't you mention their everrrr foreshadowed child? Their union will create life. The shows main reason behind their union. The fate of the Targaryen bloodline lies entirely upon their shoulders.

  5. Also dont believe for one second that either GRRM or D&D are going to moralize the plot because we dont like incest. You can forget that..also the politics will be quickly overshadowed by the need to survive the war with the Night King. Its likely that whoever saves the people from that danger will end up ruling Westeros as the peoples choice…honestly, I think it will be Dany because this has always been her story line. The same way she ended up winning Jon over after "proving" herself worthy, she will win over Westeros, including the North. I feel this has been forshadowed multiple times.

  6. I respecfully disagree with a few of your points. With regards to the Northern houses, sure there could be some issues however with the wall fallen and the Nights King coming, this will be a short lived problem. Surviving and realizing that you will need this Targeryan to do that will be that bigger fish to fry.
    Secondly, people put too much stock in Dany citing her bloodline as a means to gain favor with people. This simply isnt true. Her unsullied are loyal to her and couldnt care less about her being Targeryan. Finding out Jon is Aegon wont cause Grey worm to prefer him over Dany. The Dothraki follow her after she proved herself worthy by their standards. Her being Targeryan is irrelevant. Her dragons arent going to follow Jon because hes Aegon. So he can be Aegon all he wants and it doesnt change the fact that she has more power than him. Secondly, if they are truly in love and decide to marry…they rule as King and Queen…problem solved. The incest thing, I feel wont break them up either because Dany is likely pregnant, they are in love and Jon is likely to accept both his Stark and Targeryan heritages without preferring one over the other. Targs marry aunt and nephew, they never knew each other…so they will get over it.

  7. I agree that HE will have problems with it (incest). I think we know Jon doesn't want the Iron Throne or any throne, he wants to defeat the Night King. I think he would have no problems abdicating (like Theron) and allowing her to seat the throne. But really I don't think Jon's gonna make it anyway…. so none of this will be an issue. People will come to trust her because of what she does, Cersi will destroy King's Landing with the Iron Throne, Dany will be pregnant and Jon will die in battle or somewhere towards the end of the series… leaving Dany with her dream…. for their child instead of herself.


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