

  1. Daenerys : Tell Jon Snow that His Queen Invited him to the dragonstone.
    And bend the knee. *with prideful and ordering tone.

    (In the cave)
    Daenerys: I will fight for the north when you bent the knee. *with stern look and tone.

    (Jon willing to bend the knee)
    Daenerys: I hope I deserve it. *with tears on her face

  2. When she said she could never have children, I always thought it was her personal decision cause she said it after her son, Rhaegal & her late husband, Drogo died so "until the sun rises in the west & sets in the east, etc." she wouldn't wanna have any kids besides his (Drogo).

  3. Thank you for this! The part where she tells him that the dragons are her "children? They're the only children she'll ever have? Is frikn monumental!" Just look at her and his face..? It speaks volumes! I love it! And the part where he holds onto her hand as she pulls away..? Then the camera zooms in on her face..? Her eyes turning and looking from pure appreciation to LOVE..? EPIC!!

  4. Several thoughts about this scene which I love like crazy.
    1) I love the fact that he wakes up to her, sitting by his side. And Jon has a heart like no other because the first thing he says is how sorry he is for her loss of one of her children even though he nearly died again. I know Jon is no stranger to nearly dying/dying for real but it is such a heartfelt moment that Jon does that. He regrets it because he would never want her to be in sadness and sorrow like he felt when he heard the news of Ned, Robb and Cat's death.
    2) when he grabs her hand to comfort her, she tries to hold it together for the loss of one of her children but she cannot hold it together in front of Jon. She let him see that she is still a person just like anyone else in mourning.
    3) I don't like how people blame Jon and saying it was his fault that her dragon died. It is Not Jon's Fault. Daenerys chose to go, to help them and she knew her life and the lives of her children were at risk but she decided to go because she could not leave Jorah there to die after all of the times that he has saved her life. Plus she cares for Jon more than she expected to and she does want the true support of the North and Jon may and will be the only one to convince the North that she is a worthy Queen and she is far better than her father, 'The Mad King'.
    4) Jon "bends" the knee because he saw everything that Tyrion and everyone else said that she was. That she protects people from monsters just like he does and that she is the queen they choose for proving that the impossible is possible and that she wants to be a far better and different ruler that the one that the entire world has always known. Jon saw that in here when he saw her fly in on her dragons saving their lives.
    5) Jon and Daenerys will never forget their first love. Daenerys will always love Khal Drogo and Jon will always Ygritte to their dying breathe. But they opened their hearts to each other when their hands embraced especially Jon when he embraces his hand around hers. He never thought he would open his heart to another until Daenerys. Jon didn't or expected to fall for her but he did as did she for Jon. Jon is not like the others in her life and Daenerys is like no other person he has ever met in his life. Their first love will never be the same love with each other but it is something different and new and part of them wants to see where it goes. The other part of them does not because of everything going on around them. Trying not to love each other only makes them fall for each other more and the pull stronger as well.
    6) I love when Jon open his eyes to watch Daenerys walk out and then he looks above him, taking a deep breathe in wonder what was going to happen next and the fact that he opened his heart for the first time since Ygritte. I think Jon put a wall around his heart after he set Ygritte's body to flames. the moment he embraced his hand around Daenerys, that wall around his heart came down in that moment and he knew that it happened.
    I cannot wait from tomorrow's episode!! 😆❤️💙🖤 thanks for uploading. Marvelous acting on Emilia and Kit's acting in this scene. Love it. ❤️

  5. she and him are gonna fuck then find out theyre related be disgusted by it stop speaking to eachother and then jon might die maybe maybe not but after a bit she'll find out she is pregnant with jons kid and have to deal with that

  6. I have a question. In this episode alone they discussed the favt that apparently she cant have children like 4 times but when in previous seasons did they ever mention that? It seems so random suddenly

  7. Does anyone else think it was so sweet that she sat there with him waiting for him to wake up? He was probably out cold for a long time. You know she's in love with him for certain because she wouldn't leave his side until he woke up and spoke to her, and she knew he was going to be alright. I just thought that was beautiful. It showed she really cares about him.

  8. Let's be honest now. There aren't many named females that Jon can hook up with that aren't already in a powerful ship. The only ones I can think of are Yara and Sansa. Part of my mind even thinks Tyrion and Sansa should consider actual marriage at this point so take Sansa off the list for Jon (I know, they're cousins, whatever). Jon and Yara? Not gonna happen.

  9. JON SNOW: She glanced this way, I thought I saw
    And when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw
    No, it can't be, I'll just ignore
    But then she's never looked at me that way before.

  10. Episode 6, regarding Dany: Worst episode yet imo….1st we didn't get to know the other 2 dragons, they were locked away for the most part and then 1 randomly dies, Dany seemed unimpressed, came across as she doesn't even care, the little tears at the end did nothing for me….she cared more about Jon which is completely ridiculous..she knows him for a very short time and she was willing to risk another dragon to wait for Jon. Absolute retardation….she already saw her dragon isn't invincible and then she goes in the middle of nowhere, doesn't know what she's dealing with saving someone she barely knowns and risking all of her dragons….This is the most illogical episode ever. I made a whole video on that on my channel, you can check it out.


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