It’s Saturday! It’s time to laugh again.

Let’s dive right in and start with something filthy. Redditor KlebbTheKunt imagines what will happen when Jon inevitably learns the truth of his relationship with Daenerys in season 8. Warning: it gets a little blue.

Jon’s face after Sam tells him the truth is absolutely perfect.

Reddit has actually been on fire lately. It’s gathered a whole list of spoilers for season 8. Read with caution.

Mind. Blown.

But seriously, HBO has been doing a much better job of keeping spoilers under wrap this year. Let’s see if it continues.

Elsewhere, YouTuber steve continues his unorthodox journey through Game of Thrones. His gimmick is this: he’s never seen the show before, and now he’s watching it episode by episode… completely out of order, preferably in a way that causes maximum confusion. This time, he’s watching “The Climb,” the sixth episode of season 3. Let’s see if he can figure it out:

It’s definitely fun watching someone work through this stuff — I liked him putting together the Baratheon bloodline. His take on Littlefinger’s “Chaos is a Ladder” speech is pretty great, too. Although you wonder how much longer he’ll be able to stay baffled.

And in outdated-but-still-funny references, Lauren Scharf put together a funny video playing the Sam-Jorah-greyscale-surgery sequence as a sex sequence. And we’re back to working blue!

Finally, here’s Tywin driving a race car. Badly, apparently.

Enjoy your weekend!

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