It’s time to get petty! It’s no secret that the final season of Game of Thrones didn’t go over well with a good chunk of the fanbase (don’t worry, others loved it) and some are finding extremely creative ways to express their dissatisfaction.

To wit: YouTuber Eating Things has put together a splendid video where Jon Snow apologizes for the writing of the final season. It’s obviously not real, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t pretty convincing:

Man, pretty soon deepfake videos are going to be so real we won’t be able to tell the truth from reality. If only they all looked like this:

But that’s neither here nor there. I like how they got the voice pretty on point. And who was that drinking from the infamous Starkbucks cup?

As a palette cleanser, please enjoy this video of Pilou Asbeak (Euron Greyjoy) edited into clips from the Harry Potter movies:

It’s rather a less convincing deepfake, but still fun. Maybe a shallow fake? “Spin off,” Lena Headey commented. I’m there. “Icon,” Isaac Hempstead Wright said. I agree. “Outstanding,” Daniel Portman chimes in. No argument there.

Next: John Bradley plays dodgeball against Michelle Obama, and other celebrity stuff

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