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  1. BUT the white walker babies aren't made from dragon or valeryn steel!!! So dragons ahhh idk WHO WILLL WINN IM DYING AAHHHHHH 😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😭😭😭😱😱😭😭😭😭 please excused my spelling they might get married

  2. Nah. Too predictable, too cliche. That's not Martin's style.

    Keep in mind, Daenerys has a very "black and white" mentality. She grew up believing the Iron Throne is rightfully hers and that she's entitled to it. She also has a hatred for the Starks because of their role in the rebellion. Something tells me she is NOT going to be thrilled to find out that not only is a Stark leading an independent North, but also that he has a better claim to the Iron Throne than her

  3. Jon Snow, the king, was born from his death and in the cold snow. Daenerys was born with life(her dragons getting life) and in the fire. Beautiful. George RR Martin in brilliant. Yin Yang bitches.

  4. You should read the books. I know they can look intimidating but once you start they suck you in and before you know it you're on to the next. The story lines are quite different as well. Much more interesting and more challenging to figure out. They will not end the same. That you can count on. GRRM is quite good at weaving his tails together and before you know it what you thought you knew becomes totally irrelivent and what was irreverent is vital.

  5. another thing i didnt see mentioned is that both jon and daenerys have an army with people that believed in them, they didnt force any1 to fight for them and they gave them the choice after freeing them (BUT in a very different way) i support this theory BUT i also believe that daenerys might become a villain.

  6. Perfection, my friend. Well done. Dany and Jon’s journey are too much alike. They won big battles, lost others, lots of tragedy, but also always a light in the end. They’ve lost people they loved and now they’re ready for the next chapter. The parallels are there for a reason. They need each other. Ice and Fire. Can't wait for Season 7!

  7. Your are right but have it wrong. Ruling and the Iron throne go against everything Jon and Dany represent, their circumstances as queen and king are temporary and prepartory for their real fates and mission.

    The error is in the importance given to ruling and the iron throne. Yes, Dany and Jon are in the top of the pyramid in ASOIAF chracters but that is because they symbolicaly represent the song of ice and fire: meaning the necesary movements needed by the life force that is human consciousness in order to continue its expansion/evolution.

    George is telling the story of how human consciousness moves/behaves (George is really that brilliant, that´s why he needs so many perspectives) during a paradigm shift and trying to survive during a crisis caused by lack of progress (dead), the paradigm shift is forced to happen if humanity falls into a vicous cycle (game of thrones and power), life needs to continue somehow so this paradigm comes from the cosmos itself through 2 powerful forces: change (dragons) and memory (white walkers) ice and fire, evolution and leraning I´m pretty sure we´ll learn the withe walkers are Starks and their reasons are powerful, . The Game of thrones has stopped progress in westeros. With memory humanity can learn from their mistakes (ice/the north remembers) and with change letting go of old systems so better and new ones can be born (fire/mother of dragons).

    Westeros is facing extinction and Planetos too, in this crisis the world will almost perish and be born again. This process is represented in a 4th dimentional way: 1) the reader, 2) the many different characters under so many different contexts, 3) dany (fire) and 4) jon (ice), they are mythical characters, they represent aspects of the human psyche above cultural values of what is moral or not and primitve instincts of domination, thinking one is better than the other and should win. For evolution to happen we need 2 things, change and memory. Fire is change and ice is memory, if ice wins time stops so everything dies and fire wins time speeds up and we desintegrate and everyhting dies. The balance is in creating a song, the song is rythm, balance.

    Dany VS Jon will be the doom for westeros and Planetos, it is not possible. That is why the reader is a dimention too, if the reader decides to hate one and love the other then the reader is hating an aspect of herself/himself, like trying to cut one of your hands because your prefer the other one, you are pitting against each other 2 parts of your psyche because you are part of human consciousness George is basing his story on, the story is his study on ourselves, he is challenging dualistic thinking. Jon and Dany represent 2 aspects that exist in every person, while greater is your conflict with them bigger your rejection for one and preference for the other will be.

    Dany and Jon´s triumph is not in ruling or sitting on the throne but on manking the SONG/balance possible way beyond their lifes. Their mission is to make progess and evolution possible and they won´t achieve that winning the game of thrones.

  8. Don't get me wrong. I loved the video. You did a great job. Although, this is a pretty basic theory. And that's one of the reasons I don't think it will happen. Too predictable. Too cliche. Quite frankly, it's anticlimactic. I don't even think there will be a Throne in the end, and if there is I doubt either one will sit on it. I'm expecting Jon to remain in the North, potentially marrying Sansa. And Dany will probably die but she won't ever sit on the Throne. My bet is on the Kingdoms spliting up. Besides, a political marriage between the two doesn't even make much sense, especially with the incest. The lords of Westeros don't want that to happen with the Targaryens again. GRRM isn't going to end it with Jon and Dany ruling the Seven Kingdoms together happily ever after. Oh, and also one thing to point out, the part about Jon BOTB scene and Dany's Myhsa scene was AMAZING, but actually it turns out it was an accident. Kit Harrington recently said in an interview that it was his idea and it wasn't supposed to be a parallel.

  9. Jon snow first of his name, Jaeharys Targeryan of ancient houses of Stark and Targeryan, Lord of the Seven kingsoms, the Rhoynar, the Andals, the wildlings and the First men, The Secret bloodline of the last Targeryan lineage, King in the North, Avenger of the Red Wedding, beater of bastards, The White Wolf, The ressurected, The Prince that was promised, Azor ahai, Lord commander of the nights watch, the song of ice and fire, the ine true king.

  10. Mother of Dragons , Breaker of Chains , Unburnt , stormborn , Khalessie of the great grass sea queen of the andals and the first men , protector of the realm

    Daenerys Targaryen long may she reign

  11. I truly think the song of ice and fire means how Jon and Danny came together and the people they met on the way to meeting each other and what is happening while there going to meet and before I think it's just one big love story Jon as ice and Danny as fire


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