Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen first meet on Dragonstone, They are in need of one another as an ally and slowly begin to work together to achieve their respective goals.
In the throne room, Missandei introduces Queen Daenerys’ many titles while Davos introduces Jon Snow simply as King in the North. Daenerys thanks Jon for travelling so far but insists that he is a mere Lord. Davos begs to differ but Daenerys responds that there has been no King in the North ever since Torrhen Stark bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror and adds that an oath lasts for perpetuity. Dany then reiterates her demand for Jon to bend the knee but he refuses. When Dany accuses him of breaking faith with House Targaryen, Jon reminds her that the Mad King burnt his grandfather Rickard Stark and uncle Brandon. Daenerys apologizes for her father’s actions and stresses that children should not be punished for the crimes of their parents. She then urges Jon to renew the historic allegiance between their two great houses. Jon expresses agreement with Daenerys’ view that children should not be punished for the crimes of their parents but argues that he is not beholden to his ancestors’ oaths. Jon tells her that he has come for her help. Dany reminds him that she has three dragons and Dothraki who have pledged themselves to her. Jon Snow still refuse to bend the knee, he insist to prove that the white walker is real, the night king is real, the great war is the only war that matter, the war between the living and the dead, and he need to capture a wight to prove it.
On different scene, Jon finds himself surrounded by the Army of the Dead when he’s trying to capture a wight to prove that the white walker is real. Daenerys doesn’t hesitate and immediately flies her dragons beyond the Wall, ignoring Tyrion’s objections, coming to his rescue. Mounting Drogon, Daenerys manages to shatter the Army of the Dead by setting some of them aflame and making way for Jon and his companions to escape on dragon’s back. However, wights start approaching them and while all the others climb, Jon stays behind to fight the wights off and then he fall into the frozen lake.
After they both meet again, she comes to check on the wounded Jon, now conscious, tries to comfort Dany,.
Jon then calls her “my queen” and goes on to say he’d bend the knee, but he physically can’t. She asks Jon about the Northern lords who swore allegiance to him and he answers that “they will all come to see her for what she is”. Touched to tears, Daenerys grabs his hand and asks if she deserves it, to which Jon replies that she does.



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