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  1. Sam is my favourite character. Despite how horrid people have been to him, he remains kind, patient, and optimistic. He's always smiling and helping people, it's almost like he doesn't belong Westeros, but he definitely has a place in it.

  2. that line always stuck out in the books.. when sam calls himself a craven.. Jon thinks it takes a queer sort of courage to admit something like that.. being known as a coward is worse than being a bastard.. kindred spirits.. I'd say they are my favorite bromance if Stannis and Davos didn't exist lol

  3. Anyone else not feel bad for Sam? He's crying on the ground after one strike. I wish he was dead over the rest of the guys in this scene. One because he's an annoying baby, and two because his scenes are the worst and most boring in the show. I'd even put Dorne ahead of his crap. At least that had Jaime and Bronn.

  4. Sam is one of my favorite characters just because of how relatable he is, he acts how most people would when put in his situation at the beginning, but turns out to be one of the most brave characters on the show, killing a white walker, rescuing one of crasters incest wives and son, and offering to help Jon fight the battle against the wildlings where Ygritte dies (forgot its name). Samwell Tarley is a badass, and you can't convince me he isn't.


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