Last night’s Game of Thrones finally gave us the meeting we’ve been waiting for since practically the beginning of the series. Jon Snow and Daenerys met for the first time, but although their encounter was long-awaited, it didn’t really go smoothly.

Both parties entered the meeting with a different, self-serving goal—Dany wanted Jon to bend the knee; Jon wanted her help in fighting the White Walkers. Naturally, they butted heads. But after some intervening from Tyrion, Khaleesi lets the King in the North mine her dragonglass into the weapons he needs to ward off the Army of the Dead.

Kit Harington (Jon Snow) reflected on the scene to Entertainment Weekly:
“As far as Jon knows, he’s just meeting this queen he’s heard of and trying to negotiate with her—he’s not meeting Daenerys, who the audience has been watching for so many years. That helps with the surprise of it. He walks into the room and doesn’t expect to see such a beautiful young woman of similar age to him. Any young man’s reaction is going to be, ‘Okay…’ but he puts that aside, because he has to.”
Nothing like a harmless potential crush on your biological aunt.

“It was fun to play—she doesn’t like him and she doesn’t believe him,” Emilia Clarke (Daenerys) added.



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