

  1. Coming back to watch this after catching up with everything. Night King could definitely have killed and prevented Jon Snow from that distance easily. Instead, he uses both fear and despair as weapon of choice. Never seen Jon Snow look that frightened anywhere else in the series.

  2. I appreciated this night king, he looked more like a mysterious creature with unknown origins, the season 6-7 night king looks like a man turned monster, I mean we all know he was once a man but his appearance sorta gives it away unlike this one

  3. The Night King shouts out "Just so you know, this is so no one can get married! I am angry that my huge beautiful wife Bumble cheated on me by falling off a cliff with that ginger slut Yukon Cornelius and that is why I'm such an asshole to everyone that can get married! There aren't any good divorce lawyers past the Wall so I have been married to a philanderous Yeti corpse for 8,000 years! I won't hurt people I think are gay, though, because they can't get married! That's all for now! Bye!" at Jon Snow as his boat slowly floats away.

    Jon Snow looks vaguely worried and sad. Like always.

    Kinda kills the mood.

  4. Wasn't the biggest fan of season 5 but this episode was easily one of the best in the entire series. We don't even see this or the night king in the books either yet it feels like such a crucial moment.


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