In todays video I will purpose a theory that Jon Snow and the night king will have single combat! Jon Snow is the embodiment of Ice and Fire and he will Duel the Night King in single combat to defeat the white walkers, possibly for good! I will also discuss why the sword he will use to defeat the Night King is going to be long claw

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Song: VΛNTE – Oblivion
Music provided by FreeMusicWave.

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Sources Used! ASOIAF Novels, HBO Series Game of Thrones, A **Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and A World of Ice and Fire.
**A Song of Ice and Fire
**Game of Thrones Season 6
**A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
**A World of Ice and Fire

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  1. oh_-_ no more data…well I guess that's one reason to go out tonight….but it's cold and I'm out of opiates…wtf ¡!¡¿. out of opiates…ah fuch now I have to go out….Audrey needs these opiates…like vampires need blood…ever notice that on some of the recent vampire stories (let the right one in '',, a girl walks home alone at night) there is some mention of that? yeah, I'm watching your video in 3 second bursts. might be 6 seconds…my time is not ticking at the moment….and YouTube the safe place to talk about things that scare everyone else..and get me suspended from Facebook ..bla

  2. No doubt this has to happen Gray. Jon and the Night King had two epic staredowns and producers of shows never do those for nothing. Previously, I believed they would battle on dragonback until Tony geniusly referenced the prologue of book 1. Now they may do a dragonback battle scene as well but the grand finale I agree must be Jon vs Night King..mano e mano..your sword vs mine…matter of fact them NOT fighting would be the equivalent of Luke Skywalker not fighting Darth Vader and we know that aint possible….awesome video as usual

  3. Any chance that Ice will be reforged with Jaime and Brienne now allied with Jon? I can imagine Jaime confessing their 2 swords were made from Ice which was stolen from House Stark. Bran and Sam could instruct Gendry how to reforge it.

  4. BITTERSWEET: Jon plunges dragonglass into injured and dying Dany, turns her into White Walker, he saves her (?) and the baby BUT they are both whitewalkers and the Baby Boy becomes the Stallion that mounts the world 😛

  5. SIngle Combat between Jon Snow and the Night King is something Dumb and Dumber would do!! G RR Martin wouldnt do it….Robb Stark didnt take the offer from the King's Slayer, and Ramsey didnt take the offer from Jon either. The Night King had a grand army that could sweep across Westeros…NO need to risk that !!
    Jon will plunge the DragonGlass into Dany Nisa-Nisa style and she becomes the Night Queen either to rule with Jon or the Night King in another pact !!

  6. We have to hope that the show didn't already foreshadow a one-on-one confrontation from one particular scene from earlier in the series. Of course, that would be when Jamie ended up in a one-on-one with Ned, but only after Ned's forces had been killed… and then, of course, one of Jamie's Lannister men injured Ned from behind. If this is any form of foreshadowing, you may be looking at part of your bitter-sweet ending. Perhaps, in this case, the Night King leaves Jon, and Danyrus finds him, and Jon agrees to have himself sacrificed to forge a new Azor Ahai sword.

  7. If you think this is going to end the Lord of the Rings way, you haven't been paying attention. Remember Ned Stark? I'm bracing myself for Jon Snow Snow dying horribly, because that is exactly what "bitter" means in "bittersweet". We'll see about the "sweet" part, probably the Night's King will be stopped, but the price will be sky high. That is the message in this whole story of ice and fire: In war, everyone's a loser.

  8. I still think about the look on Bran’s face when he handed the Cat’s Paw dagger to Arya, and his asking Littlefinger if he knew who it had belonged to. Do you think Arya might go Face the Night King as Jon and perhaps be killed (a la Patrocles as Achilles) which would spur Jon to fight him? That dagger is important for some reason that is tragic for Arya.

  9. Wow. I always believed that Jon Snow would fight one on one with the NK towards the end of GoT but I thought the sword Dawn was necessary for this to happen. Gray, you convinced me otherwise with this video. I agree that this battle will occur in S8. I can't wait to see Jon and the NK battle with the NK showing off his great moves. I think Jon will ultimately die (since he's already technically dead) but not before defeating the NK. That will be a TV episode that really rakes in loads of viewers. Great video. Thanks for posting.

  10. No doubt this has to happen Gray. Jon and the Night King had two epic staredowns and producers of shows never do those for nothing. Previously, I believed they would battle on dragonback until Tony geniusly referenced the prologue of book 1. Now they may do a dragonback battle scene as well but the grand finale I agree must be Jon vs Night King..mano e mano..your sword vs mine…matter of fact them NOT fighting would be the equivalent of Luke Skywalker not fighting Darth Vader and we know that aint possible….awesome video as usual

  11. Longclaw facts- belonged to a poor house that didn't sell it even though the last lord was so broke he resorted to slavery.
    -it was at castle Black, where the last known Targaryen in Westeros was.
    -it is a bastard sword like Blackfire and we only have Mormonts word that their was a bear on the pommel before the fire.
    -a Mormont refused it.
    -dragons have very long claws.
    It could be Blackfyre in theory, not definite in any way, but that would be a cool twist.

  12. Actually Jon used a normal sword before longclaw, he also killed others with normal weapons after he took it soooo, it doesn't change anything, also there were spoilers SPOILER that the valeryan swords still cannot hurt the night's king which means he will need a stronger sword and it has been mentioned that dawn hold all the abilities of a valeryan steel and more which is what he needs IF he goes in a single combat, then again there are other ways that it could go down and let us not forget the series even NOW they pay more attention to what it needs to be done instead of what the fans want to be done according to their "destiny". Though personally I do believe that Jon will kill him OR he will be the cause of night's king death but let us not forget that the show doesn't spare anything and anyone which makes all the 13 minutes harder to hit the target, ALSO Rhaegar read that from HIS line there will be the prince or princess that was promised thus his line "a dragon must have three heads" (the same Aerys thought about his line) and that has been confirmed many times. I do not mean any disrespect but there are few hollow points in your theories in general and I don't mean to act like a smartass I just thought I should let you know that many things has been confirmed especially from the westeros's past such as prophecies, weapons etc. and lastly don't forget, it will have bittersweet endind, that was a sweet ending ….

  13. Long Claw is Dawn. It was delivered to the Nights Watch by Arthur Dayne (Mance Rayder) after the negotiatons that took place at the Tower of Joy that activated the Order of the Green Hand. Members of the Order are Arthur Dayne, Gerold Hightower (Qhorin Halfhand), Oswell Whent (Tormund Giantsbane), Jeor Mormont, Benjen & Ned Stark (RIP), and Stannis Baratheon.

    Everything that happened to Jon during his time with the Watch and with the wildlings was a predetermined plan by the Order. They were testing him to make sure that he had what it takes to fulfill his next predetermined destiny….

    To become the next Sword of the Morning.

    Mance/Arthur with relay the truth to Jon. That Mance is actually Arthur Dayne and his UNCLE. R+L does not equal J.

    Brandon Stark + Ashara Dayne = Jon

    So therefore, Jon is not only the rightful heir to Winterfell, but it would also make him a knight of the house Dayne that can be named Sword of the Morning.

    I'm going strictly off the books here. The show, while entertaining, has been garbage since season 5.

  14. Jon is the messiah and the night king is the anti christ. The messiah according to Christians died, will ressurect and kill the anti christ. Jon died has resurrected and the next thing is to kill the anti christ the night king. The messiah kills the anti christ in single combat in Jerusalem. The night king has been looking for Jon from the beginning of the series cuz he knows Jon marks him


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