Baratheon Family Tree video:

When Jorah talks with Quithe in Qarth all the way back in season 2, she is doing some strange protection magic on someone who will be traveling through the ruins of Valyria. And what would that person need protection from? The same thing that attacked Jorah and Tyrion when traveling through the ruins of Valyria, the stonemen.



  1. why not Wild Fire? the precombustion form i mean. in theory the liquid could seap into the skin and cure the Greyscale or if unsuccessful could be used to burn it out. extreme, but i can see jorah doing just such a thing the return to Daenerys.

  2. Predicting stonemens be protecting valyrian steel swords or the related resources in the old city of Valyria. There are still 200+ more swords of that kind. It's still unclear what made the doll be infected because of which infant Shireen suffered from the same.

  3. A better title: The Game of Thrones Jorah Theory by The Film Theories instead of "Jorah's cure for Grayscale" with 'Return of Quaithe' as thumbnail.

    I would like you to avoid possible spoilery theories on the title (and thumbnail). I am sorry, but seeing this on my sub videos really annoyed me as it can happen and I would like to avoid stuff like this is possible.


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