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Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson underlines the importance of play in the development of child and the negative consequences of suppressing or not engaging in play activity with the child.

Dr. Peterson’s new book is available for pre-order:
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:

If you want to support Dr. Peterson, here is his Patreon:

Check out Jordan Peterson’s Self Authoring Program, a powerful tool to sort yourself out:
(Official affiliate link for Bite-sized Philosophy)



  1. tyranical or feminazi regimes are way worse than judgement day. and the rest of the world hasnt even had their fill of blood,sexual revolution, superficial things,etcetra ,they havent had the opportunities white millenials have had. we're fucking spoiled and we'll have to learn in a multicultural and violent society to have balls to stand up for our culture. thats way better for the collective,although its not great for me as an individual for the next 10 years, it might be better for me in the next 30 years,cuz people waking up to the truth might make us accountable for our actions which in term will make us richer and me live in a richer society

  2. wait does that mean if you take adhd medicine from a young age you will grow into possibly a successful hardworking but miserable person that doesn't know how to have fun because part of the brain won't develop properly?


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