At the moment, the eyes of many a Game of Thrones fan are on Seville, where a great many of the show’s most important cast and crew members are gathered to shoot scenes for the final season of the show…and to have some fun while they’re at it. Two stars who have yet to show up are Kit Harington (Jon Snow) and Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), but they aren’t idle. Courtesy of Omaze, we bring you this photo of the two of them, in costume on the set of season 8, canoodling:

End of post.

Okay, not really. Actually, this is a photo from behind the scenes of a hilarious video Clarke shot a few weeks back. She’s partnered with Omaze to raise money for the Royal College of Nursing Foundation; if you donate at least $10, you and a friend stand a chance to be flown out to Belfast, put up in a luxury hotel, and get a tour of the Game of Thrones set from Clarke herself! The more you donate, the better your chances. You can donate here.

Anyway, this pic is a nice tonic for fans who may be worried about their favorite Game of Thrones characters heading into season 8. People die and shows end, but right now all is warm fuzzies.

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