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  1. If the movie timeline of Warner Bro expect be different than original timeline for movie release this is my thought

    ( Aquaman ) December 21
    ( Nightwing ) March 19
    ( Superman : Man Of Steel 2 ) October 5

    ( Shazam ) April 17
    ( Wonder Woman 2 ) December 13
    ( The Batman ) July 22
    ( Justice League 2 ) June 5

    ( Green Lantern : Corps ) June 16
    ( Cyborg ) April 19
    ( The Flash : Flashpoint ) July 25
    ( Batgirl ) August 13

  2. I hope Man Of Steel 2 and The Batman Movie both happen but I think Ben Affleck will take a break after Justice League and then film The Batman movie at 2018 summer time for 2019 The Batman Movie . But Ben Affleck and future of DCEU is unknown for Justice League 2 and his own Trilogy but others hero’s might have there own movie already , so maybe more Superman and Batman new After Justice League even we are getting a Nightwing movie .

  3. I don't know if anyone is going to see this since the video came out two days ago, but there's at least one very good reason that we haven't seen and probably won't see Batman in Berlanti's shows, and that is because Steven Amell's Arrow IS Batman in almost everything but name and costume. He's a young rich man that has (by now) lost both parents and is prone to brooding while fighting crime at night. Unless Arrow, now the Green Arrow, undergoes a pretty big change on TV away from his usual dark and brooding self, including Batman would be too much – especially since even ARROW is known for its light comedy via characters like Felicity and the new Mr. Terrific. If Berlanti were to bring Batman onto a show, the most logical one would be SUPERGIRL. He's already been mentioned indirectly, I think, and with Superman established, there would be more for him to work off of. Plus, he'd make a great compliment to ever-present opposition to aliens and super-powered heroes on that show given that Batman is fully human with no powers, yet does the same thing. Whether he wanted to be or not, Batman could conceivably be a great anti-hero figure to challenge the assumptions and beliefs of Supergirl and the DEO. A good use would be to have him manipulated into unwittingly working on behalf of Lillian Luthor.

    Even so, I doubt it will ever happen. Superman may have been first, but Batman is the crown jewel of both DC and Warner Brothers. Given the choice, I wouldn't be surprised if WB and DC wanted to keep Batman in the comics and on the big screen so that they are never watering him down or holding back in the way they use him as a character. If I'm wrong, though, it's still unlikely that he'd be in one of the Berlanti shows because whether it happens or not, Fox is already working up to it with GOTHAM. It was actually 20th Century Fox that produced the Batman series and feature in the mid-60's and I wouldn't be at all surprised given the trajectory of GOTHAM for the last two years if its time frame were accelerated and the show were to be cut-off after season five or six so that they could do another Batman series in that established world. By then, they might even get away with having David Mazous in the role, but I think there would need to be at least a one to two year gap between the end of the series and the start of one for Batman and I think that would have to wait until after the fifth or sixth season, at least.

  4. I think Bruce Wayne IS the Bruce Wayne from Gotham, just further along in the timeline. The Queen logo was visible in the Gotham pilot, and again in the skyline a few episodes ago. I think Gotham happens ten-fifteen years prior the island…

  5. The mention of Bruce Wayne in Green Arrow as an antagonist is similar to when the old Green Hornet series (circa 1966-67) had a cross-over with Batman (circa 1966-68). The Bruce Wayne character, Adam West (may he rest in peace), was shown to have gone to school with the Britt Reid character and their alter egos fought in the show. It would be interesting to see the Green Hornet on Arrow since the Green Hornet encourages the perception that he is a Crime Boss and how the writers and producers would portray the characters, especially Kato.

  6. Oh man that would be totally awesome if Batman actually showed up in the Arrowverse. And you know who be perfect to play him in the arrowverse? They should totally cast Karl Urban to play as Bruce Wayne. I could totally see him using the voice he used in Dredd for Batman. He would make a great Batman. It would be so Awesomely Epic!

  7. I'd love to see Oliver go to Gotham, get into trouble that he can't solve and then getting saved by Batman who tells him that he's an amature and to go back to Star City before he gets somebody else killed.

  8. ohh man!!!!! arrow or flash should not be allowed to use bruce wayne or batman at all!!! they have the worst writters,actors,show runners and vfx. they r probably going to reveal felicity is batman or working for batman..

  9. Considering Arrow has murdered people, its pretty obvious why Batman would have a problem with him. Once you cross that line, you can never go back and Batman knows it better than anyone. Personally, I would love to see Batman wipe the floor with the whole Arrow team.

  10. gimme MORE BATMAN! first of all, Affleck needs to stay. period. he hasnt even STARTED yet, really. needs AT LEAST one or two solo flicks under his belt first.
    SECONDLY, Arrow NEEDS Bruce Wayne/Batman. BRUCE should pop up as OLIVERS antagonist. center an entire season around him; with Bruce, doing his philanthropic urban renewal experiment, trying to help Star City, should show up while the bat is only hinted at and alluded to. thats very similar to what Bruce has been doing for Gotham, in the comics. Star City could either be his test-run OR a natural continuation of what he's been doing in Gotham already.

    NEVER show Batman.

    showing Batman IMMEDIATELY dismisses the Green Arrow, and you cant afford to do that to this show. only have bruce, but have him talking down to oliver (for, seemingly, no reason). talking about how oliver creates problem after problem, half-measures and irresponsible leadership (in managing the city, by day, but really referring to BOTH olivers day and night jobs). oliver should NEVER know that bruce is the bat, but by the end of the season he should have learned something AND suspect bruce is batman (quietly).
    for the fans, just show an UNKNOWN VIGILANTE has been cleaning up the streets of Star City, here and there… faster… with less blowback… and ZERO identification. the press will assume its the Green Arrow, of course, but OLIVER will know for a fact that its a new player.
    which means (for us as the audience) show some AWESOME scenes that rely on not being seen. this will give the show fun, creative segments, focusing on subterfuge, deception and instilling fear. have Batman ALWAYS off-screen and in the shadows, smoke, etc. strikingly efficient, short scenes that can replace the flashbacks, even, for that particular season.

    personally, i think olivers character needs to get out of the dark, broody, moody bs written for his character. that is NOT oliver queen. use a bruce wayne season to "reboot" the lead character. next season, hes a more light-hearted Green Arrow. sarcastic, flirty, humor, a big smile, a TALKER, etc. have him take bruces advice his own way, and FIX the Green Arrow character this way.

    …buuuut thats just my two cents.

  11. I cannot wait for Batman in the arrow verse how cool would it be if Bruce Wayne was retired as Batman and try’s to stop arrow as Bruce Wayne but through tour the season he starts to be pushed to stop arrow as Batman

  12. I personally love the videos you do …a lil good advice though… you shouldn't do cross repots i.e. a Justice league video then you start talkin marvel . Or worse STAR WARS? I do like thoes as well …im just sayin keep marvel video, dc, and others in there own videos. Again love the videos

  13. Superman vs Dr manhattan?!? No contest. I don't like Dr Manhattan, and I hope its written so superman wins, but I don't know how superman can win that without getting into Manhattan's head


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