Eric Shane Calvin and Aaron discuss Justice League with spoilers

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  1. My favorite parts were:

    (1) Barry and Bruce:

    "I haven't been in a fight, I just run really fast and push people over."
    "Save one person."

    (2) Cyborg and his Dad:

    "Do they know I'm alive?"
    "You don't want them to know about the monster?"
    "You're not a monster."
    "It's funny that you think it's me I'm talking about."

    Flash has always been my favorite member of the JL because of the animated series. I like the Marvel movies more than the DC ones, but I actually don't have a favorite Marvel hero at all. But in DC it's always been the Flash. Loved Ezra Miller in this.

    Least favorite part was Bruce's "You talk to fish" jokes. Ugh.

  2. This was the first time I felt like I was watching the real Superman in the modern DCEU films: he laughed, smiled, took the time to answer kids interview questions, raced Flash, wore bright colours, saved people…

  3. I am in secondary school and I am dealing with some suicidal and depressional thoughts over issues that I used to think were small. Could you please bless me for the rest of my years or leave some advice that I could follow for overcoming these problems?

  4. The film is great. Im tired of the comparison between DC and Marvel. Both companies have amazing movies and both JL and Avengers are quite good. Just enjoy that we have reached the point where we can all cherish the great stories from the comics on the big screen.

  5. You guys need to do research on characters. Being shocked that WW could block bullets that fast puzzled me. Heres a lesson for the day folks..she can enter the Speed Force. Yeah, shes friggin fast 🙂

  6. The best moment in the movie was when Superman was tracking Flash. Batman bringing Lois to the monument ties into the "Lois is the key!" scene in BvS (even though I doubt Snyder intended it that way.) The way I see it, in the original timeline, Batman brought Kryptonite to the monument instead. Superman managed to evade it and killed everyone except Batman and the Flash. Earth was turned into a fire pit twin of Apokalips and Superman killed Steppenwolf to take over working for Darkseid. Along the way, Batman may have killed Lois trying to take out Superman.

    Batman sent Flash back in time to warn him to bring Lois to the monument but Flash goes back to before the warning would make sense. Still, Batman has that in the back of his mind (as well as the "dream" which I think was caused by Flash's time travel bringing a sense of the future along with him. Armed with this knowledge, when the time came, Batman made the correct choice (effectively wiping out the fire pit Earth timeline…or creating/joining an alternate reality where they won (leaving the original reality to suffer under Dark Superman and Darkseid.)

  7. Yup, Henry Cavill sure is handsome. But can we can talk about how cute Aaron looks in this video? ^^ Back to the topic though…I loved this movie and it breaks my heart it's not doing well in the box office.

  8. I might be a vit of a Marvel fanboy but this movi3 was absolutely stunning. Only issue I have is that I'm pissed that they made it shorter than it originally was planned to be. Felt rushed.

  9. This movie did pretty much everything Marvel films do, but the the critics didn't like it because reasons…

    It really does seem like there's either a bias against these films (especially when it's Snyder) or something. It might even be unconscious. I mean, the films get more negative media before the films even come out than I've seen any of the Marvel films have gotten even after they're out. I like the Marvel franchise, especially Winter Soldier, Ironman and Doctor Stange. I don't know, there's just some strange dynamic going on and I can't be the only one that notices.

  10. WB cut 45 minutes out of the movie so they can have more showings / day but get bad reviews. They did the same with BvS that also got bad reviews. The extended and original view of Snider got way more positive reviews. So, what I don't get is:
    1. Why shorten the movie if it makes the movie feel rushed
    2. Why shorten the movie if seldom all tickets are sold out (in the Netherlands almost never happens)
    3. Why shorten the movie if it backfired wit BvS already. Did they not learn from that?
    4. Would less showings/day with better reviews not make more $ then more showings/day with bad reviews?
    5. Will people still go see a movie at the cinema when they know that a few weeks later there will be a way better version of that movie on DVD and BluRay?

    BTW I liked the movie .

  11. I enjoyed the movie and thought it was fun. The story and villain were kinda weak in my opinion but I don't think this film deserves all the hate it's getting from critics. Although, is it just me or did the superpowered characters seem… depowered? I know it's bad to compare to the comics and Superman is supposed to be the most OP of the League but really now? Flash always either wins or ties against Superman in a race. WW and Aquaman also seemed much weaker than their comic book counterparts. I know I know, I should learn to watch the films with a mind separate from the comics. (mumbles) Still salty WW can't fly in the films though..


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