Justice League – Movie Review!

Beau & Aaron review the new Justice League movie!










  1. Mate i love your reviews, you were my first port of call during season 7 of GOT. That being said it's a shame you're such a DC elitist, JL has been out for what a day… two max? and you've already done a review but Thor Ragnarok is no where to be found. I'm not saying Thor was a ground breaking movie but it was still faaaar better than this movie.

  2. The story was boring and the dialogues were a mess… but i did enjoy seeing all of them together, and it’s a great casting… I just want dc to stop rushing their movies and make them really good, it’s like they’re relaying on the beloved characters too much

  3. The best review I’ve seen so far. It seems like every body wants to jump on the “crap all over the justice league movie” bandwagon. Everyone is saying the exact same thing word for word. Y’all sound like you went in with an open mind and gave it a fair shake. The guy over on Hybrid Network said the reshoots and edits were lazy. I didn’t see anything lazy about this flick.

  4. Maybe I need to go re-watch it, I thought it was an ok/passable superhero blockbuster. Maybe in the level of the first Fantastic 4 movie, or Age of Ultron. I definitely had a lot more fun watching Thor later that night.

  5. I loved the movie… The only thing that bothered me a little were the two reshoot scenes of Superman where it was too obvious and awkward the CGI makeup to cover Henry Cavill's moustache. But the scenes were fantastic so at the end is all good. I agree that the movie should have been 20 minutes longer. But I guess that's what the blue ray version is for.

  6. I love you guys and the channel👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾 but this movie was terrible.
    It was a CGI mess, the acting felt campy, the jokes were lazy, so much was wrong.
    As a avid comic reader sure all the wholes don’t confuse me or you guys but as a movie goer it makes little sense. They needed another movie or two before this.

    ( I did like the Green Latern easter, and WW was great)

  7. I loved the characters. Nevertheless I was disappointed that they had such a focus on WW lost love (and some of the ass shots were pretty obvious, which i did not like).
    Other than that I didn’t think this movie was something special. As I said the characters and their dynamic was great but other than that it was pretty underwhelming.

  8. Bullshit, Christian Bale is the best Batman of all time with Michael Keaton coming in at a close second. Also the movie should have been 2 & a half hours at LEAST! And Ben Afleck hated being Batman you could easily tell on screen. All in all a solid 6 out of 10.

  9. The thing that makes Nerd Soup stand out as a movie and tv reviewer is that they are not too precious. They are fans who want to enjoy what they watch. And yet, they are experienced enough to come to the review with a real opinion. They know why they enjoy a movie and they cover enough minutiae to keep us involved. This review is a perfect example. Thanks, guys. I really appreciate your reviews.


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