This thrilling animated sequel to Justice League: War dives deep into the fascinating origins of one of the Justice League’s most enigmatic heroes: Aquaman. Young Arthur Curry has no idea that he is heir to the throne of the kingdom of Atlantis. Right now, he’s a lost and confused outsider just trying to cope with the death of his human father. When he learns of his true aquatic heritage, Arthur has some tough choices to make. But he doesn’t have long to find his path in life: the Atlanteans are about to escalate a war with the surface world — and only by joining with the mighty Justice League can Arthur help avert global disaster and finally embrace his destiny as Aquaman.



  1. I recommend this film. It is true that Arthur Curry (Aquaman) is a bit 2 Dimensional in dialogue. But the script writing was alright, and it was great seeing Aquaman getting some respect. Plus he gets a hot babe. Score!

  2. So I'm not recommending this to be honest. Ton of flaws and I'll focus on just one. There's some really laughable moments and no surprise it all includes Aquaman being the source of those laughable scenes and not in a good way. However I will say one of those scenes includes a giant shark (seen in the trailer) eating somebody alive, that was actually pretty awesome. The biggest flaw is just Aquaman himself, he takes everything so easily, like he's being told his mother is alive, lives in an undersea world and he's the heir to the throne but the only thing he really says is, "Okay where is my mother? I want to meet her." All this after being knocked out on the surface and then waking up underwater with gills. He doesn't question anything he just goes with it like he's been expecting this his whole life! I liked Justice league war, but this movie, no. I wouldn't really recommend it and I hope by the time the next Justice league movie comes out this is just the weak one and we can all forget this fish out of water.

  3. This was the best one out of all the news ones in the last 4 years. The story line was great and wonder woman was a woman in this one and not a angry bitch on her period. They should stick with this formula for a few more episodes,featuring Aquaman and his Princess wife that can kick some ass!


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