Game of Thrones is a visually ambitious show, and that requires a lot of prep work. Every big moment is carefully imagined before we see it on the small screen. Artists create concepts for how the show will look before passing their work off to directors, costumers, set builders, special effects technicians and more. Since season 2, German design studio Karakter has created the concept art for Game of Thrones. It’s now uploaded some of its work for season 7 to its website, and it is stunning.
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
This seems to be an alternate version of a shot from “Dragonstone,” from when Daenerys and company are rowing themselves to Dragonstone.
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
Does anyone have Cersei’s floor-sized map of Westeros in their kitchen yet?
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
Sam hanging out at the Citadel. The archmaester doesn’t look much like Jim Broadbent, but Jon Bradley is rendered pretty accurately.
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
Can we frame this?
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
Funnily enough, we can see more clearly what’s going on in this shot than we can in the actual episode, where Bronn is all but a blur.
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
We still say Jon drew these designs on the cave wall. Also, this shot is pretty much a dead ringer for what ended up onscreen:
You almost can’t tell the difference.
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
The concept art for the Sea Battle also looks very close to what ended up on the screen.
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
Seeing Eastwatch-by-the-Sea for the first time was one of my favorite moments from season 7.
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
Photo Credit: Karakter Design Studio
Once again, these concepts for the finale of “The Dragon and the Wolf” were adapted pretty faithfully. What a shot.
If you want to cancel your plans for the day, you can peruse the full gallery here. We’re already looking forward to the season 8 prints. Oh, and season 8 itself.
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