Game of Thrones was a convoluted story that focused on the mixed and often conflicting emotions the characters faced throughout their journey. There were very few characters that stayed good till the very end. One of them was Missandei, played by actress Nathalie Emmanuel. She was the best friend of Daenerys Targaryen, and her personal advisor. Her death was the last straw, and pushed the Mother of Dragons off her edge. The audience resented the scene as well, and the hatred for Cersei grew worldwide. That is one of the reasons why many felt Cersei’s death sequence wasn’t justified. However, Nathalie never anticipated the fans to react so strongly at her character’s death scene.

In a recent interview with Vogue, the actress talked about how she was surprised by the emotional overflow the viewers experienced after watching the episode. She said, “When I learned that Missandei was going to die, I knew that, as the only woman of colour on the show, I knew that people would feel her loss, like the loss of her. Because she’s also just like a really kind, good character. I was not anticipating, I guess, the size of the reaction that happened.”

“I think that really sparked a conversation about, when we make these shows in the future, when we are casting these shows, like, do we just have to have the one person—is there space for more of us? And I think the answer is yes. I know the answer is yes.”

How did you feel when Missandei died on the show? Was Dany’s reaction justified? Tell us in the comments below!



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