……. and one of my favorite characters.
Game of Thrones (S07E03) – The Queen’s Justice



  1. In 2009 my paternal grandmother died of a stroke at 81. In 2016, my maternal grandmother died of lung cancer at 76, and I know it's a TV show and all, but losing Olenna Tyrell in 2017 felt like losing a grandmother again.

  2. Gotta love her, she knows she's toast but still manages to get a merciful death from Jamie while implying he's a dim witted failure, goes on to call his dead son a cunt, Cersei a disease, god I was happy with her then Mic drop oh I'm so glad my death won't be painful like that time I killed your kid, that looked like it hurt bet you felt impotent not being able to save him. Bless her 😘

  3. Finished and checked out like a boss bitch, and the funny thing is Jaime stood there like he never even speculated Olenna. Cersei put so much blame on Tyrion I guess all the attention went to him while Olenna went away not even suspected much less tried.

  4. If she had the antidote, asking how it would be done, while knowing it already would lower his guard and make him think she doesn't have it. Not saying she had one. Just saying it would be a tactful way of making him confident he won.

  5. This is probably my favorite scene in all of season 7. Such a brilliant conversation and brilliant ending line. Tell Cersei I want her to know it was me. Such a badass way to die. Also whipping and beheading her in the streets. Flaying her alive? All of those ideas were before Cersei knows the truth. Imagine the torture Olenna would've been put through if she had known otherwise. Lucky Jaime gave her the quick way out haha


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