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King Robert talks to Cersei about the state of the Realm.

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  1. 0:13 "Only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field" = I have to disagree, the Unsullied proved in front of Qohor that the horse lords may be beaten in a field. And Unsullied aren't invincible either as the Sons of the Harpy proved. Therefore, I would like to propose a list of other Game Of Thrones warriors who may also have a chance of defeating the Dothraki in a clear battlefield:
    -Norvoshi priests, because according to Daario Naharis they're a model of excellent fighters and their city is famous for its axes, thus they probably are great axe wielders.
    -Braavosi warriors, owing to how their city has never fallen, their cult of the Many Faced God (or Death), their renowned water dancers and their feared Faceless Men.
    -People from Asshai; with their dark secrets, poison (the Long Farewell for instance), shadow grass, dragon eggs in their land and their spells (Melisandre's blood magic for example), I'm certain the superstitious horse screamers would be very uneasy to have them as foes.
    -Lord of Light worshippers; with their fire tricks (f.e. flaming swords), miracle gifts (raising some dead back to life) and fanatic faith they wouldn't back away a step when facing a Dothraki charge.
    -Summer Isles archers, because they're very used to facing pirates in the Summer Sea making a tough contest. In land they must be as skilled as at sea.
    -Basilik Isles pirates, due to their stubborn raiding in the Fourteen Seas even if they suffer defeat (like Salladhor Saan), their knowledge of varied warfare (including on land) thanks to their extensive travels and their desire for booty and glory. Their major flaw is lack of unity among each other, but they only need to elect a skilled commander in chief, not a difficult task for them 😉.
    -The Golden company; for a sellsword group they have famously never broken a contract (thus never failed), they're numerous with cavalry and even elephants and must necessarily be well led. With these odds in their favour, I'm sure they would fight with stubborness to defend their record and great prize, even versus Dothraki.
    -The Dornish, owing to their love for fighting, their dislike of strangers and the failed Targaryen invasions of their land.
    -the Lannister army, a well equipped and perfectly organized fighting force with strong discipline, good provisions and frequent battle experiences. Its main flaw is lack of competent officers, but they could easily hire sellsword to do that job.
    -The Storm soldiers owing to their nation being very used to warfare and being surrounded by rivals. They're also well trained, brave and efficiently armed. They just need a wise leader (unlike Argilac the Arrogant and even Robert Baratheon because of Ashford) and they'll charge united against the Vaes Dothrak screamers.
    -The Knights of the Vale, thanks to their unity behind the Arryns, their renowned cavalry, their well defended and practically impregnable home and their prideful courage in battle owed to their honour ("As high as honour").
    -The Ironborn, with their unstopping raiding most are battle-hardened, they love to kill (Iron Prize), despise cowardice and must know much about land war with their long travels. Their major lack is discipline, but it can be solved by choosing a strong leader in the Kingsmoot. Plus, the Dothraki's plunder would attract them.
    -The Northerners, because they're used to hard odds, they're very well trained, have excellent officers and follow Northern honour of House Stark with bravery wherever it takes them, even against horse screamers.
    -The Free Folk, with their fearsome Thenns, other clans used to freezing hardships, the mighty giants, the mammoths, their continous fighting and their stubborn bravery versus the Night's Watch make them a very worthy army. They've traditionally lacked unity, yet they all rallied behind Mance Rayder, proving they can come together. Also, they have the custom of choosing to follow the best among theirs. They would attack the Dothraki without fear after facing the Night King.
    -Those people who have the Sight and the Wargs; the first ones can see the Dothraki's plans and the others make beasts such as eagles, wolves or bears to fall upon the Dothraki hordes; the Dothraki would be terrified!
    -The Army of the Dead, with such countless warriors, beasts (horses, bears, etc.) and giants as wights, the elite White Walker soldiers and the fearsome Night King, would horrify the Vaes Dothrak warriors and be able to inflict many casualties on them.
    -The Westerosi knights, heavily trained from youth to earn their name, must enter many fights to win glory. They're particularly famous for their strong sword skills and their passion for facing difficult odds (hence their fame). If they chose one of their number as commander, they would surely be a mighty force facing Dothraki.
    The information used here comes from the show until Season 8 (not included) and the "Histories and Lore" videos, not the books. Also, it's all generally speaking, there can be exceptions in the groups above (f.e Theon's Ironborn crew were cowards, the Boltons didn't have honour and betrayed House Stark, knight Meryn Trant was a terrible fighter…). Please, LIKE if you agree with my choices and comment if you don't 😉.

  2. Hey, Cersei, listen! He tells you not to do two things, don't fight the Dothraki and don't hide and do nothing while all hell breaks loose in the realm. She does both.

  3. robert was one hundred percent right. everyone was making their own army. so everyone was out for themselves. the people need a common goal or enemy to drive them to united. but they still won't do it.

  4. King Robert started the Rebellion on a lie! He claimed Lyanna was kidnapped when he knew that was not true, that she just didn't want him. Cercei and Robert were perfect for each other but no one sees this! Poor Ned Stark spent his life protecting his family hiding the fact that he knew Robert was a liar.

  5. Never get involved in a land war in Asia. Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line. And only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field.

    And Jon Snow knows nothing.

  6. The people of westeros would be fighting to keep the rapist horse people from terrorising their land. A common enemy would unite the kingdoms and decimate these idiots. The dothraki would know what it is to feel big hard westerosi cock.

  7. Watch yesterday's episode and you'll see Robert was right, one army, a real army united behind one leader with one purpose will beat anyone. Jaime and cersei are fighting to survive and swinging at everyone and jon and dany are eventually gonna fight the fight in the north I think.

  8. Seems to me like Robert is a good person,he was a good leader and didn't enjoy cruelty I think he just became drunk and fat because there wasn't any major trouble through Westeros so he thought let's all be at peace.

  9. I feel like Robert was a great, badass King but as he aged and as he started seeing all the lies and illusions of the world he just stopped giving a damn and instead focused on things that made him happy (and focused on ending the Targaryens) he just kind of… Gave up I guess


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