Extra’s” Charissa Thompson sat down with Kit Harington and asked your fan questions about his hit show “Game of Thrones” and his new movie, “Testament of Youth.” Watch!



  1. Lay off this chick guys, lol. She could just be a overly personable person. It also seems like she's trying hard to seem friendly and not like they're doing an interview but Kit comes off to me as being introverted, at least around people he doesn't know well. I'm like that too and that kind of personality doesn't mesh well with the super friendly 'I'm gonna act like we're best friends even though we met five minutes ago' types. She's trying to help him relax but all the touching and especially when she decided to lean on him, it was obvious the only thing she was accomplishing was making things more awkward. The fact that he's literally leaning away should have been a tip off.

  2. That is soooo funny like she wants his D si hard and he is like "no way bitch", I can't
    I'm probably one of his craziest fan like when I saw him I was screaming like a fangirl, probably because I'm and I was like "je t'aime kit" and then I said "WE CAME FROM FRANCE" and he looked at me and said "bonjour, CA va?" And I was like "OMG OUI CA VA" and he smiled, he wasn't making fun at all, I was so ridiculous and he was just like suprised of the impact he has on me, he is a really good personne, and I would become crazy If he spoke about my crayziness in an interview (in the good way).

  3. We've never seen Jon & Sansa interact at all!!! I'm sure that they care for one another as much as they do their other siblings but hopefully Jon & Sansa will finally share a few scenes in season #6!!!


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