Jon Snow was one of the pivotal characters in HBO’s epic fantasy show the Game of Thrones. He was a heroic character who took every wound silently, whether it was physical or emotional. Kit Harington, who played Jon Snow for over 9 years revealed he doesn’t want to play such emotionally repressed character anymore.

In an interview with the Telegraph, Harington reflected how the idea of ‘inherited male trauma’ stops men from being honest about their emotions. He said, “I feel that emotionally men have a problem, a blockage, and that blockage has come from the Second World War, passed down from grandfather to father to son.”

Kit Harington

We do not speak about how we feel because it shows weakness, because it is not masculine. Having portrayed a man who was silent, who was heroic, I feel going forward that is a role I don’t want to play any more. It is not a masculine role that the world needs to see much more of.”

Kit will now be seen in Netflix’s psychological thriller Criminals Season 2. He plays the role of a smug estate agent, who is accused of rape. He gets frustrated when questioned about the same in the trailer. The show’s setting gives you chills as he establishes himself as a self-entitled rich guy who gets what he wants.

Harington’s new character is a far cry from his bumbling, humble, and heroic character of Jon Snow. Snow was a simple-minded, emotionally repressed hero who knew nothing. Whereas Kit’s new role is of a cunning, perverted, and loud estate agent. He does not hold back his frustration.

Do you agree with Harington’s decision? Let us know in the comments below!



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