Game Of Thrones star Kit Harington has told Sky News he is considering throwing a party to watch as the epic series comes to an end.

The actor, who has played brooding hero Jon Snow since the first episode of the fantasy drama aired back in 2011, is not giving away any spoilers, but did say the much-anticipated conclusion would leave fans “emotionally torn”.

Speaking about his plans for the finale, he said he liked the idea of a Game Of Thrones party, but that watching in solitude also appeals so he can take it all in.

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Kit Harington as Jon Snow and Drogon. Pic: Sky Atlantic/HBO
Kit Harington: Pretty good with dragons. Pic: Sky Atlantic/HBO

“I think I’m going to have a party,” he tells Sky News. “Oh, I don’t know yet… I don’t know if I want to watch it on my own quietly just myself, or whether I’ll have a party and watch it with lots of other people.

“I just can’t really decide that yet.”

Harington, 32, also spoke about being the apparent go-to star for work with mythical creatures, with his new film How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World out soon, and more details about his true relationship with the Game Of Thrones dragons expected to be revealed in the final series.

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“I work with dragons a lot, it seems, all different types and sizes and shapes,” he says. “Which is wonderful… I mean, bizarre. I don’t know how that happened in my life.

“I hope it’s not the end of working with dragons.”

Harington was cast in the second How To Train Your Dragon film, voicing the character of Eret, a nemesis to hero Hiccup who later changes his ways.

The latest film is the third to be made, completing the trilogy.

Kit Harington as Jon Snow in Game Of Thrones season 7. Pic: HBO/ Sky Atlantic
What will Jon Snow’s fate be as Game Of Thrones comes to an end? Pic: HBO/ Sky Atlantic

Harington says main dragon Toothless and the others in the film were “a lot happier” than those in Game Of Thrones.

“The ones on Thrones are a bit grumpy,” he says. “These ones are naughty, but I think slightly more friendly to humans.”

Working on How To Train Your Dragon in the studio was also “a lot more comfortable” than being out on location in Game Of Thrones, with many of his scenes filmed in the freezing Iceland.

“It’s certainly a more comfortable experience being part of this than maybe being in Game of Thrones,” he says. “This you’re in a nice warm booth, people are bringing you coffees and it’s a lot of fun. And also you’re in a room with just three or four other people, so you get to have a lot of fun without the pressure of hundreds of people looking at you.”

He added: “I love working on this film because your part is an even smaller cog than usual in that you’ve got these incredible animators and this huge team of people that make what you’re doing look really good, which is a wonderful thing.”

Kit Harington as Jon Snow and Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game Of Thrones. Pic: Sky Atlantic/ HBO
Fans are waiting to see what happens between Snow and Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke). Pic: Sky Atlantic/ HBO

And the How To Train Your Dragon films provided a bit of light relief from the intensity of Game Of Thrones.

As Jon Snow, Harington has certainly been through the mill, losing his lover Ygritte (played by Rose Leslie, who he married in 2018) and even coming back from the dead in the sixth series.

“I think the great thing about playing an incredibly uncomic character for nine years, who’s brooding and takes himself too seriously, is that you can then take the mickey out of yourself for being too brooding and too serious,” he says.

Harington says he was a big fan of the first How To Train Your Dragon film, so it was a “no brainer” when he was asked to join the cast, which includes Cate Blanchett, Gerard Butler, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill and Kristen Wig, for the second and third.

“You have some animated movies which are just brilliant fun for kids, and then you have some animated movies which kind of aim towards the whole family, and I think this one does both,” he says.

“But also now in the third film it’s kind of grown into young adults, so it’s got this journey to it which I haven’t seen in many other animated films, which I think is brilliant.”

How To Train Your Dragon is out in cinemas next month, while the final season of Game Of Thrones starts in April.

Kit Harington and Rose Leslie after they tied the knot
Harington married his former Game Of Thrones co-star Rose Leslie in 2018

The Game Of Thrones ending will be “emotional for everyone watching and everyone who was involved”, says Harington.

“It’s going to be… just the whole thing ending, it’s finishing, it’s wrapping up, a bit like these movies are.

“It’s strange being a part of these movies and finishing this side of my dragon movies, and then the other big one in my life finishing as well.

“I think viewers are going to be quite emotionally torn about it ending.”

:: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is in cinemas from 1 February. The final series of Game Of Thrones starts on Sky Atlantic and NOW TV at 2am and 9pm UK time on 15 April.



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