Which character should win “Game of Thrones”? In advance of the season seven premiere, Kit Harington, who co-stars as Jon Snow on the hit HBO show, revealed whom he would like to see sit on the Iron Throne. Photo Credit: The Wall Street Journal

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  1. The statement he made about people who seek out power being the least able to wield it was interesting. Coming from somebody who's descended from royalty irl, I wonder what kind of slant we should understand that statement to have? Harrington always struck me as fairly down to earth for a little lordlet, but I always wonder about sentiments like this. I hope we'll have the opportunity to hear him elaborate sometime.

  2. I agree, the more people want power, the more they should be prevented from getting it.
    I think Teryon would be maybe the best person to have on the throne.
    Other messages … well, one is to stop your petty in-fighting and look up and out and see the bigger picture. Westeros is having this complex 6 sided bun-fight about who gets to sit on a pile of old swords, and the army of the undead are marching behind the nights king, on an undead dragon, and you people are still poisoning each other and backstabbing each other over who should be on the iron throne? NONE of you – Obviously!
    The other wonderful message in it, is nobody in real life is a 'good guy' or a 'bad guy' – people are shades of grey but nobody is all good or all bad.
    There's lots of them. Quite often, the person you thought was 'central character' will not be alive when the credits roll up. The person who turns out the be the 'central protagonist' may be one you thought was comedic relief, or a foil to show off the hero's wit and style…
    Popular fiction has some conventions. Real life usually doesn't adhere to those conventions. If Cinderella drops a glass slipper on the staircase, then most likely the cleaner will pick it up and take it home and use it for cross dressing, before the Prince ever sees it…

  3. "Those that seek out power are often the least deserving of it." No truer words have ever been spoken especially in today's political climate around the world. I love this interview.

  4. not everything has to have one great and universal moral … i would say that the meaning behind GoT has dozens of little segments and you can´t say that GoT is about one thing in the background

  5. I have read the detailed season 8 spoilers on how it all ends…and after seeing this video, the way he words it, I see Kit Harrington also has read these spoilers. Seems like we all were wrong all along; you know everything, Jon Snow lol

  6. Interesting thing about Kit Harington: he tends to lie beautifully when it comes to fan theories; he'd never tell his own personal opinion regarding the end of the game.

  7. I thought he was gonna say Varys haha he said it once before. Tyrion is just not going to win man, that's not his style, he's a hand, he fills out that role so well. He does the dirty work like all the other hands have cuz he's the real brains behind it all

  8. Abu Musa reported: Two of my cousins and I entered the house of the Prophet. One of them said, “O Messenger of Allah, appoint us as leaders over some lands that Allah the Exalted has entrusted to your care.”

    The other said something similar. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

    "Verily, by Allah, we do not appoint anyone to this position who asks for it or is anxious for it.”

    The Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) pretty much said "Does who seek power should be the least to have it"

  9. I've always thought that the eventual theme for Game of Thrones overall, is that fighting amongst yourselves is pointless, but also that when Nature attacks, you all have to band together? idk, like, I realised the other day that The White Walkers are literally a representation of Winter, and in order to survive they are all going to have to band together.

  10. Part of the inspiration of GOT was the Hundred Years Wars and the Wars of the Roses. Those two wars costs the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and in the end achieved very little as they only placed another cousin on the English throne in one case and France just went back to being France at the end of the 100 years war.

    George was a conscientious objector during Vietnam. So I am fairly certain the theme is the pointlessness of war. But as he developed the idea he added lots of other ideas to make the world more robust and less contrived and central.

  11. Kit? Climate change? Seriously? Sure the climate may be changing but not the way that it is being portrayed so I hope you aren't being an elitist sell out. There has been volcanic activity on Iceland. That would have an affect on the glaciers and snow and saying 4 years of RAPID climate change even the sell out scientists are only saying a small percentage of a degree per year. Seasons change. Every season is not the same year to year. It has been like this for thousands of years. Drought one year, deluge the next. Don't be a sell out, please!

  12. Westeros is distracted by the politics of the game of thrones while winter creeps in from the north. I definitely see a message there. But yes – the power thing is also definitely true. And connected to the climate change thing.

  13. ive been saying this too, I see three heads of the dragons, jon, dany, Tyrion, and Tyrion will survive the final battle and marry sansa, in the war of the roses, you have at the end, tudor marries a york,

  14. Cersi will be murdered by Jamie. Jon Snow will die from battle. Daenery's will die, Jamie will die, Little Fingner will die by the sword of Sansa …. Sansa will die… and Tyrion will rule the Iron Throne!


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